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Typography (Fonts)

Typography is where you will control and customize most of the Text on your website.

Tanner Ramey avatar
Written by Tanner Ramey
Updated over a week ago

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Each type comes with a full range of customizable features such as Font, Size, and Weight while others have more creative options such as Shadowing.

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Currently available fonts are:

  • Amatic SC

  • Arial

  • Arizonia

  • Arvo

  • Berkshire Swash

  • Bitter

  • Cabin Sketch

  • Cardo

  • Chewy

  • Clicker Script

  • Coming Soon

  • Cookie

  • Corben

  • Courier New

  • Coustard

  • Crafty Girls

  • Crete Round

  • Cutive

  • Dancing Script

  • Droid Sans

  • Droid Serif

  • Elsie

  • Francois One

  • Georgia

  • Glass Antiqua

  • Glegoo

  • Great Vibes

  • Henny Penny

  • Inconsolata

  • Josefin Slab

  • Just Another Hand

  • Kreon

  • Lato

  • Leckerli One

  • Lobster Two

  • Lora

  • Maiden Orange

  • Marck Script

  • Metamorphous

  • Montserrat

  • Nunito

  • Old Standard TT

  • Oleo Script

  • Open Sans

  • Oregano

  • Pacifico

  • Passion One

  • Permanent Marker

  • Play

  • Playfair Display

  • Prata

  • Questrial

  • Quicksand

  • Raleway

  • Reenie Beanie

  • Roboto

  • Rochester

  • Rokkitt

  • Rouge Script

  • Ruge Boogie

  • Skranji

  • Tahoma

  • The Girl Next Door

  • Times New Roman

  • Unifrattur Magnuntia

  • Unkempt

  • Verdana

  • Vollkorn

  • Yeseva One

Note! The typography section can be found in a few areas such as in Theme and in the Header of the Navigation Bar.

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