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Bulk Media Import

Get all your media uploaded to the Dashboard in one big sweep with the various import options we provide.

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over 3 weeks ago

There are three main methods for bulk importing media, each unique to the type of media and where you have it currently stored. Which one you use will be determined by what works best for your processes and team.


The File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture using separate control and data connections between the client and the server.

To start you will want to download an FTP client, there are many popular options out there but our recommendation is Cyberduck, we will use it as an example below but the steps are similar across all clients. The FTP client will be the main tool we interface with for this bulk import method.

Once you have downloaded and installed Cyberduck feel free to open the program and press the "+" icon in the lower left-hand corner:

This will bring up a new page where we will want to change the top option from "FTP" to "Amazon S3" so your screen should look like this with the highlighted options


Next head to your Subsplash Dashboard and navigate to your Bulk Import/Edit page. At the top of the page you will find "Import from Computer", click on this to find the option to generate credentials for use in an FTP client.

Requires Admin Dashboard permissions.

These credentials are set to expire after 90 days. You are welcome to return to the Dashboard and generate another set if needed.

Copy the following information from the "Import from computer" dialog in the Subsplash Dashboard and paste it into the corresponding fields within Cyberduck:

  • Access Key ID:

  • Secret Access Key:

  • Path:

Once you have entered this information you can close this window and Cyberduck will save your new connection, you can now double-click on the connection and you will then see a window like this:

In this window, you will simply drag and drop any of the files you want to upload and they will be uploaded into your Dashboard.


Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is a service offered by Amazon Web Services that provides object storage through a web service interface. If you do have content stored in AWS you can use this article to bulk import video and audio files into your Subsplash Dashboard.

Start by entering your AWS account and bucket information in your Subsplash Dashboard, this can be found on the Bulk Import/Edit page.

Requires Admin Dashboard permissions.

AWS CLI (Recommended)

There are lots of options for copying files from S3 to S3 but when dealing with different AWS accounts and lots of files, the AWS CLI tools work best. The moment you deal with a large number of objects some of the popular tools (like S3 Browser, CloudBerry S3 Explorer, Bucket Explorer, CloudBuddy, S3Fox, etc) start to behave glitchy or may even crash. Also, when trying to move lots of objects you will find that most tools out there can take a long time (minutes if not hours to copy/move a large S3 bucket) if they don't crash or stop responding halfway through.

If you do not already have the AWS CLI installed and configured, you can get instructions here.

Batch Operation in AWS console

If you would like to try setting up a Batch Operation in S3 via your AWS Console, you can find instructions here.

CLI Commands

You have options as to what AWS CLI commands you can use. Below are some examples - be sure to replace the bucket name and app key with your own.


The command below will copy all objects from your S3 bucket (client-bucket-name) to your space on Subsplash’s S3 bucket (00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY>).

The use of --acl bucket-owner-full-control - this is very important. If this is not included in the command, then Subsplash will not be able to access or process your files.

aws s3 sync s3://<client-bucket-name> s3://00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY> --acl bucket-owner-full-control

If you only want to sync certain files in your S3 bucket, you can use a command like this:

aws s3 sync s3://<client-bucket-name> s3://00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY> --exclude "*" --include "*.mp4" --acl bucket-owner-full-control

The output of this command will let you know if you tried to copy a file type we do not support (see the line that starts with “copy failed:” in the output below).

copy: s3://00-source-for-ss-bmi/Maid with the Flaxen Hair.mp3 to s3://00-bulk-media-import/BMITST/Maid with the Flaxen Hair.mp3 copy failed: s3://00-source-for-ss-bmi/wine & wellness flyer.doc to s3://00-bulk-media-import/BMITST/wine & wellness flyer.doc An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the CopyObject operation: Access Denied copy: s3://00-source-for-ss-bmi/Sleep Away.mp3 to s3://00-bulk-media-import/BMITST/Sleep Away.mp3 copy: s3://00-source-for-ss-bmi/Kalimba.mp3 to s3://00-bulk-media-import/BMITST/Kalimba.mp3


This command is similar to the sync command. If you want to copy a single file, use a command like this:

aws s3 sync s3://<client-bucket-name>/<client-file-name.ext> s3://00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY>/<client-file-name.ext> --acl bucket-owner-full-control

The command below will copy all objects (recursively) from your S3 bucket (client-bucket-name) to your space on Subsplash’s S3 bucket (00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY>).

The use of --acl bucket-owner-full-control - is very important. If this is not included in the command, then Subsplash will not be able to access or process their files.

The use of --recursive - if this is not used, no files will be copied.

aws s3 cp s3://<client-bucket-name> s3://00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY> --recursive --acl bucket-owner-full-control

If you want to copy everything except a folder, you can use a command like this:

aws s3 cp s3://<client-bucket-name> s3://00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY> --recursive --acl bucket-owner-full-control --exclude "<client-bucket-name/another/*>"

If you want to include both .mp4 files as well as .mp3 files and nothing else, you can run:

aws s3 cp s3://<client-bucket-name> s3://00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY> --recursive --acl bucket-owner-full-control --exclude "*" --include "*.mp4" --include "*.mp3"

Can I parallel AWS CLI commands if I have a large number of files to transfer?

Yes, you can split your file uploads into multiple mutually exclusive operations to improve the transfer time by multi-threading (running multiple, parallel instances of AWS s3 cp or AWS s3 sync using the AWS CLI).

This is accomplished by using the --exclude and --include parameters to filter by file name for each instance of the AWS CLI you are running.

The --exclude and --include parameters are processed on your side so the resources of your local machine might affect the performance of these commands.

For example, to copy a large amount of data from your bucket to your folder on Subsplash’s S3 bucket where all the file names begin with a number, you can run the following commands on two instances of the AWS CLI. First, run this command to copy the files with names that begin with the numbers 0 through 4:

aws s3 cp s3://<client-bucket-name> s3://00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY> --recursive --acl bucket-owner-full-control --exclude "*" --include "0*" --include "1*" --include "2*" --include "3*" --include "4*"

Then, run this command to copy the files with names that begin with the numbers 5 through 9:

aws s3 cp s3://<client-bucket-name> s3://00-bulk-media-import/<CLIENT_APP_KEY> --recursive --acl bucket-owner-full-control --exclude "*" --include "5*" --include "6*" --include "7*" --include "8*" --include "9*"

Additionally, you can customize the following AWS CLI configurations to speed up the data transfer:

  • multipart_chunksize: This value sets the size of each part that the AWS CLI uploads in a multipart upload for an individual file. This setting allows the client to break down a larger file (for example, 300 MB) into smaller parts for quicker upload speeds.
    Note: A multipart upload requires that a single file is uploaded in not more than 10,000 distinct parts so be sure that the chunk size that is defined balances the part file size and the number of parts.

  • max_concurrent_requests: This value sets the number of requests that can be sent to Amazon S3 at a time. The default value is 10. It can be increased to a higher value like 50.
    Note: Running more threads consumes more resources on the client’s machine. They must be sure that their machine has enough resources to support the maximum amount of concurrent requests that they want.

RSS feed

Intended for existing podcast feeds and is a great option whether you are switching to Subsplash for podcasting. It will import every episode in the feed as a Media item and retain all compatible metadata like title, date, description, etc. These media items will also retain the podcast episode GUID which is the unique identifier used in stores like Spotify and Apple Podcasts to track play history and analytics. This means if you switch to Subsplash to host your podcast your users will not be affected.

If you would like to start an import please submit a support ticket with your existing podcasts RSS feed.

This feed is not the link to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, if unsure how to find your feed please reach out to your podcast host.

These Media items can also be imported into a specific Media series or List for use in the App, Web, or Podcast. Please provide the name of your desired location when submitting your ticket.


Can I use the bulk media upload process to import images and PDFs?

Yes! Using the same process you drag and drop PDFs or images meeting our size guidelines:

  • Square (1024 x 1024 : 10MB max)

  • Wide (1920 x 1080 : 10MB max)

  • Banner (1920 x 692 : 10MB max)

Artwork and PDFs in the bulk media upload process will be uploaded to the respective libraries, you will need to associate them with the appropriate Media items after upload.

What kind of files can I import during the bulk media upload process?

You can upload any of the same file types that are currently allowed through the Subsplash Dashboard when you upload in bulk:


  • .mp4*

  • .mov*

  • .wmv*

  • .flv*

  • .mp3*

  • .wav*

  • .m4a*

  • .wmv*

  • .m4v*


  • .jpeg

  • .jpg

  • .png


  • .pdf

*Max file size is for the bulk media upload process 10GB per file

How do I get my media off of YouTube?

To get your media off of YouTube, follow the steps listed below. There are some key things to know:

You will need the login credentials for the account that is used to upload to YouTube - not just anyone can download media.

Regardless of what quality you uploaded to YouTube, the downloaded videos will only be in 360p or 720p.

To download videos from YouTube:

  1. Using a computer (not a mobile device), sign in to YouTube.

  2. Select your profile picture then select YouTube Studio.

  3. From the left panel, select the Videos tab.

  4. Hover over the video you'd like to download, and select Menu, then Download.

Where can I see my imported media?

Open your Subsplash Dashboard and click on Media > Library in the left-hand menu.

All Media items currently importing will be displayed in a section titled "UPLOADING".

If you don't immediately check your Subsplash Dashboard after uploading your files, all Media items will be listed in the "Recent Media Items" section. You can check the status of each upload by clicking on the individual Media item.

If any errors are encountered during the import process we recommend checking out our article on upload errors.

What if I need to bulk upload audio and video files to replace existing audio and video files in my media library?

This is possible! However, there are a couple of steps to follow:

  1. Download the metadata CSV for your existing media items on the Bulk Import/Edit page.

  2. Ensure that each file you are going to upload is named with the "subsplash id" value that matches the corresponding media item to which it will be attached.

If the files are properly named, then they will replace the existing video and audio files attached to the corresponding media items when they are uploaded!

Does this mean I don't need to upload via the Subsplash Dashboard anymore?

Our goal with this feature is that it will help ministries quickly move a mass amount of media to the Subsplash platform so we can save you money and give you one central spot to manage all your media. This tool is meant to be used as a rare/one-time path to get you started quickly. Once your media is imported, you will use the upload experience via the Subsplash Dashboard as normal for additional sermons/media/devotionals you want to add.

Lastly, this will only import files into the dashboard, it will not organize them in any way so to rename or place all these new media items into a series we will need to go through the bulk edit process. Not to be feared, it's like editing an Excel spreadsheet!

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