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Finding Your RSS Feed

This article will walk you through how to find your RSS feed on SnapPages or other websites.

Logan Silver avatar
Written by Logan Silver
Updated over 11 months ago


Once you have created a blog, it is quick and easy to locate your RSS feed!

The first thing you will want to do is make sure that you have published your blog. If it is live, go ahead and open up your website to its main page on your preferred internet browser. Then, in the URL navigation bar, you should see something similar to the URL below.


Now simply select the URL and add “/blog/rss” to the end and press enter.


Just like that, you have your SnapPages blog RSS feed!

Third-Party Websites

The easiest way to get the address, no matter which web browser you’re using, is to look at the HTML source code of your page.

Warning! Not all blog systems provide an RSS feed, such as Wix. If you're unsure about this and unable to find your feed, contact your blog provider to verify.

How you view source code will differ slightly from browser to browser but in most cases, you’ll choose the Page Source or Source option under the View menu near the top of the window. Here’s an example from Google Chrome:

Once the window appears with the HTML code for your page, use the Find feature (typically Ctrl-F on a PC, Command-F on a Mac) and search for RSS.

You should be taken to a line that reads something like our example:

link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Daily Hope" href=""

The RSS feed’s URL address is found between the quotes after href=.

In this case, your RSS feed URL would be:

The feed usually has the words feed or rss somewhere in the code, so searching for these terms will usually locate the RSS feed URL.

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