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Management Forms
Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over a week ago

Create a Basic Form

Go to the Forms and click Create a New Form.

Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 7.04.13 PM.png

Give your form a name and the new form template will open up. The middle section is a preview of how your form will look. You can manage and edit the fields on the left.

Editing the Fields

Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 7.08.49 PM.png

The template will ask for some basic contact information. You can remove or duplicate any of the fields by clicking on the dropdown menu to the right of the field. Change the order of the fields by simply dragging them up or down.

Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 7.09.50 PM.png

Remove any of the fields you don’t need and add any new ones that you need. To add new fields, click the Add Field button at the bottom. A window will open asking what kind of field you want to add. You have a range of different options to choose from depending on the kind of information you are looking to collect.

Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 7.10.25 PM.png

The new field will appear on your form. Move it to the position you want by dragging it up or down in the left-hand panel and then edit the content in the right-hand panel. You will see how it looks in the preview window in the center.

Screen Shot 2022-07-31 at 11.21.28 AM.png

Configuring the Fields

Click on any of the fields in the edit window to manage what kind of information you want the field to receive from your users. When the field is selected, the configuration options will open in the window on the right.

Here you can indicate whether there are a minimum or a maximum number of answers. For example, if you want to be able to collect more than one contact from your form, you can change the Max Answers field to ‘0’ and you’ll see in the preview window that users can now add additional contacts.

Setting the Max answers to "0" will allow the user to add as many answers as desired.

If you want the question to be optional, you can set the minimum answers to ‘0’.

If your question type is multiple choice, you can edit the answer options by adding them in the Allowed Options section.

Add Links

Add links like payment portals and other websites to your Subsplash form.

Configuring the Form

To configure the entire form, click the Form Configuration button in the left window and you will see the configuration option for your form on the right.

For example, if you want to add an image to your form, scroll down to Images and click the search icon.

Select an image and add it to your form. You will see it displayed in the preview window.

You can set up your form to send a notification every time it is submitted. Scroll down to Notifications in the configuration window and select who you want to notify from your contacts.

When the form is completed, please save it.

Form Submissions

You will see your form now on the Forms page. To view the live form, click Form Link and it will take you to the online form where you can complete the details in the online form and test the form.

Back on the Forms page, click the View Submissions link to see the details of any submitted forms. Use the filters to manage the way the submissions are displayed or click any of the submissions to view the form details for that user.

You can also manage your forms via the right-side menu on the forms page.

Form Notifications

  1. Open the form that you would like to set up the notification preferences.

  2. Select the Form Configuration tab at the top of the Field Tree

  3. In the Form Configuration pane on the right, scroll down to the "Automation and other settings" section"

  4. In the Notifications tab, you can select multiple options such as Send Confirmation Email, Send Admin Notifications to Contacts, and Send Admin Notifications to Groups/Teams, and Admin Notification Message.

Embed Forms

  1. Create or open the form you want to embed in Church Management

  2. Below the form name, click "public link" and leave the tab open for use in later steps

  3. In SnapPages, add a custom code block to the page you want to embed your form

  4. In the code editor that opens, copy and paste the code template that is below these steps in the article.

  5. Go back to your Form tab, copy the URL, and paste it between the quotation marks where it says, "INSERT SUBSPLASH FORM SHARE LINK HERE" in the SnapPages code editor.

  6. Add a title for the form in between the quotation marks where it says, "INSERT TITLE HERE"

  7. Choose YES or NO in between the quotations after scrolling.

  8. Adjust the height and width of the form by adjusting the px values.

<iframe src="INSERT SUBSPLASH FORM SHARE LINK HERE" title="INSERT TITLE HERE" scrolling="YES OR NO" style="width:100%;height:1000px;border:0;overflow:hidden;"></iframe>


How are these different from Subsplash Profile Forms?

  • Church Management offers a lot more flexibility with advanced settings on each form element

  • Church Management allows you to add custom fields to its equivalent of the Person Block whereas these forms have predefined fields you can toggle on and off.

  • Church Management has some additional input elements, including file uploads and custom HTML markup for making your own components

  • Church Management has the concept of “groups” that allow you to group elements together and nest fields. This is mainly for layout purposes.

  • Church Management allows you to add tags, add to a group, add capabilities, and various other automation to an individual who fills out a form. More of this could be added with time to the SnapPages version if the demand is there.

  • One of the biggest is probably that Church Management integrates with Church Management Events to allow you to purchase tickets and do registrations through these custom forms. We are exploring this as we do deeper integrations with Church Management.

Will Church Mangement Forms appear on SnapPages?

No, forms created in SnapPages will only appear within the SnapPages dashboard.

I created a Subsplash Profile Form will those submissions appear in Church Mangement?


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