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Background Image Sizes

Here are some tips and tricks about background images in SnapPages!

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over a year ago

SnapPages works differently than other website builders or graphic editors you may have used in the past; It is built from the ground up to be responsive to any screen size. This means it will automatically resize your content and change layouts so that it looks great no matter what device it is viewed on!

This may sound like a simple concept; however, it can bring up some great questions. One area that may cause some confusion is when it comes to determining what image size you should use for background images.

In other fixed-width design programs, there is often a standard image size, such as 2000 x 5000 pixels. However, with a responsive design, your background image will automatically scale and crop depending on the device used for viewing. Below are some tips to help you pick the background images for your responsive website:

Responsive Background Image Tips

  • What size should I use? - We recommend using images that are at least 2000 pixels wide and between 500-1500 pixels high. This will keep your image from looking blurry on larger desktop screens without being too big that it negatively impacts load times.

  • What style images look best? - We recommend avoiding vertical images as they won’t look as good in wider settings. Try to select images that will look good even when subjected to large amounts of cropping. Abstract or scenic images typically work great!

  • What about images with text? - We highly recommend avoiding images with text as they can sometimes be incorrectly cropped when viewed on a mobile device. Instead, use the built-in Text and Heading blocks on SnapPages to layer the text directly over the image. By doing this, the text will also resize with the screen size.

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