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Profile Forms

A critical tool to gather information, gauge interest, or otherwise connect with your congregation.

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over 10 months ago

Introducing the innovative Profile Forms builder within SnapPages, seamlessly crafting forms through an intuitive user interface reminiscent of page creation. As well, your responses are now neatly stored in Subsplash. But here’s the best part: every form filled creates a new profile in your People Dashboard. We’ve given the forms a makeover to make them super easy to use.

If you see no pop-up like the one below when you access the Forms section of SnapPages, then you are already on the latest version. If you choose not to upgrade you will remain on the older version of Profile Forms, instructions for the older version can be found below in this article.

Getting Started

When you first log into the Subsplash Dashboard, click on Web > Websites in the left navigation to go to SnapPages.

If you already have a SnapPages site it will take you to the new SnapPages dashboard, if not, you will need to complete the setup process. Learn more about that here.

There are two ways to access forms:

  • In the SnapPages (SP) dashboard, you can go to "Forms"

  • If you are editing a page, there will be a new “Form” block in the Subsplash section.

Page Editor - Profile Form

You have a few options for managing all your forms. You can create new ones, edit existing ones, view responses, and archive forms/responses.

  • If you are in the editor and you add a Form to a page, it will prompt you to either create a new form or select an existing form. After you select one you can also edit a form from the Page Editor, but unlike the old form builder, you won’t edit it inline. Instead, a modal window will pop up with the form editor.

  • When you create a new form, you have the option to select a blank one or use a pre-built template as a starting point.

  Adding the form block prompt

Creating a Form

Form Editor

The form editor works much like the page builder, you can drag and drop new fields onto the blank form as different bocks. You can also rearrange them just as you would with blocks in the page editor by dragging and dropping the different blocks into their new positions.

Form Builder

Profile Elements

Introducing Profile Elements: a new way to easily gather basic information.

We've updated the way profile information is managed by replacing the old person block with a mix of profile elements. Instead of a single block with toggleable fields, you can now add specific profile details like name, email, birthdate, etc., individually into different sections. This change makes it easier not only to include personal information but also to add your custom details to these sections.

When you add blocks from Profile Elements to your new forms, responses can automatically create new People in your Dashboard. If an email is provided in the response, we look for an existing profile and associate it with the response if one is found.

We do not update existing profiles with any of the details because the user is not logged in.

If there is no email provided, we don’t find a match to the email, or if someone fills out the form for the first time then we create a profile with the information given. Any information included (except for grade) goes right into their profile.

Form Editor - Profile Elements


Introducing Sections: A Better Way to Organize Your Forms

We're thrilled to introduce Sections into our forms – inspired by how SnapPages uses page sections. With Sections, you can make a section repeatable (similar to how a person block worked in the previous Profile forms) and you can also add conditions to show or hide a whole section based on certain criteria.

When you migrate your old Profile forms to the new forms, the old Person Block becomes a section. If the Person Block was repeatable in your previous forms, the new section options keep that feature.

These changes make your forms look better, keep them organized, and ensure a smooth switch for older forms.

Form Editor - Sections

Form Elements

There are elements you can use to build out your custom form. When you select a block, options for that block will appear in the right-hand panel. There are basic settings & advanced settings that can be selected from the tabbed options in that panel for each block.

Basic Settings

Allow you to change the form title and set a custom "Thank you" message that appears after a submission.

Advanced Settings

Allow you to set up automation when a form is submitted.

  • Send responses by email - gives the ability to send a response directly to an email address

  • Redirect URL - This will allow you to redirect users to a webpage once they fill out the form.

Form Editor - Form Element - Name - Basic Settings


Will show/hide a particular question based on the answers to one or more other questions.
First, you select the questions you are going to base the conditional on, and then there are many comparison operators you can choose from followed by the value you want to target.

  • If you add more than one conditional to a question, you can select between "and" or "Or" Logic for those conditionals if you want to make sure all requirements are met or if any of the requirements are met.

  • When you add your first conditional the block will have a dotted line around it indicating a conditional applied.

  • The greater than and less than comparison logic will only work if the value entered is numerical.

  • Conditionals that point to a value inside a person block work a little differently because there might be multiple people so there is an additional option of how many times you want a value to be true before it's triggered.

Block Advanced Settings- Conditionals Menu

Form Settings

Access the form settings conveniently through the form editor, offering a range of customization options for an optimized user experience. With form setting, you can effortlessly tailor your form by adjusting elements such as the form title, crafting a post-submission message for users, and configuring Multi-Step Forms. Additionally, our settings enable you to establish notifications to stay informed about new form submissions and implement URL redirection upon form completion. Locate these settings effortlessly in the top right-hand corner of the editor, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Form Settings - Automation - Advanced Tab

Multi-Step Form

We've implemented a feature that transforms the form sections into convenient, step-by-step segments. In the form settings, we've added a Multi-Step Form option. If you turn it on, your form becomes a step-by-step journey online. Users see one section at a time, and there are next/back buttons to guide them through. Plus, we check required fields before letting them move on to the next step – making sure nothing gets missed.

To set up these engaging multi-step forms, simply navigate to the form settings and activate the Multi-Step Form option.

It's important to note that while you're in the form editor, you won't experience the multi-step format directly. However, when you preview or visit the live site, you'll see the seamless and user-friendly Multi-Step form in action, just as you envisioned.

Form Settings - Multi-Step Tool

Form Submissions

Form Submissions can be found in multiple locations. All Profile Forms submissions will be stored through SnapPages. Check out the steps below to learn how to access submissions through each section. To view your Form Submissions:

  1. Click "Forms" on the SnapPages dashboard.

  2. Select the form you'd like to review submissions from.

  3. On the right-hand side, you'll be able to review Form Submissions by selecting Form Response.

Forms - Form Submissions

Exporting Forms

Our platform offers versatile methods for exporting and sharing your forms, providing practical solutions for various needs. Whether you are organizing a database within your church's archives or compiling information for your church directory, our features are designed to streamline these processes. Additionally, if you find yourself needing to share specific forms with individuals—such as a new member interested in joining community groups—our platform has a straightforward solution.

To Export Forms:

  1. Navigate to the Forms Area within your SnapPages dashboard.

  2. Locate and select the form you wish to export.

  3. In the top right-hand corner, click on the "Download" option.

Exporting form submission

These simple steps empower you to manage and share your forms efficiently, enhancing your overall experience with our platform.

Sharing Responses

Effortlessly share responses with the following straightforward steps:

  1. Navigate to the Forms Area in your SnapPages dashboard.

  2. Select the specific form you intend to share.

  3. Click on the desired form submission you wish to share.

  4. Located at the bottom, click on the "Share" option.

From this point, you can share the form through email. These user-friendly steps ensure a seamless and efficient process for sharing your forms, enhancing your overall experience on our platform.

Form Response - Sharing a response


If you have not accepted the prompt to upgrade then you are using the previous version of Profile Forms. The following content will apply to the previous version only.

If you do not see the pop-up when you visit Forms, you are already on the new version and need to follow the steps above.

Creating a Form

Basic Settings

Allow you to change the form title and set a custom “Thank you” message that appears after a submission.

Advanced Settings

The advanced settings allow you to set up automation when a form is submitted.

  • "Send responses by email" gives the ability to send a response directly to an email address.

  • "Add people to a contact list" allows you to add any or all of the people in a form response to be added to a "contact list" in Church Management. This will only work if you actually have a contact list setup. (Learn more about "Contact list" in this article here.)

Form Settings - Automation - Advanced Tab

Form Editor

The form editor works much like the page builder in that you can just drag and drop form blocks onto the blank form.

You can also rearrange them just as you would with blocks on the page editor.

Form Builder

Form Elements

There are elements you can use to build out your custom form. When you select a block, options for that block will appear in the right-hand panel.

There are basic settings and advanced settings that can be selected from the tabbed options in that panel for each block.

  • Basic settings include things like field labels, placeholder text, toggling required, etc.

  • ​​​​​​Advanced settings contain conditionals which will be explained in another section of this article below.

Person Element

The person block is where most of the integration with Church Management comes in. It is the only block that will dynamically create the profile information on Subsplash.

There are a series of optional Person fields you can toggle on and off. The email address can not be toggled off and is always required unless the household role for a person is predefined as “child” because they usually won’t have an email.

  • If the address is toggled on, it will automatically attempt to generate a household for every entry.

  • You can predefine a household role for the person to be none, parent, or child.

  • The “Allow multiple people” toggle will allow you to enter multiple people on the form and create a button for doing so.

People element - basic settings


It will show/hide a particular question based on the values of one or more other questions.

First, you select the question you are going to base the conditional on, and then there are many comparison operators you can choose from followed by the value you want to target.

  • If you add more than one conditional to a question, you can select between “And” or “Or” logic for those conditionals if you want to make sure all requirements are met or if any of the requirements are met.

  • When you add your first conditional the block will have a dotted line around it indicating that it has a conditional applied.

  • The greater than and less than comparison logic will only work if the value entered is numerical.

  • Conditionals that point to a value inside a person block work a little differently because there might be multiple people so there is an additional option of how many times you want a value to be true before it’s triggered.

Block Advanced Settings- Conditionals Menu

Form Submissions

Form Submissions can be found in multiple locations. All Subsplash One forms submissions will be stored through SnapPages and in Church Management. Check out the steps below to learn how to access submissions through each section.


  1. Click "Forms" on the SnapPages dashboard.

  2. Select the form you'd like to review submissions from.

  3. On the right-hand side, you'll be able to review Form Submissions by selecting Form Response.

If you'd like to export the form submissions, use the management page to review and export submissions.

Church Management

  1. Click the View Submissions link to see the details of any submitted forms.

  2. Use the filters to manage the way the submissions are displayed or click any of the submissions to view the form details for that user.

  3. Once you have modified the filters of the form, you'll be able to export the submissions via a CSV.

Testing and Sharing Your Forms


Before adding your form, we recommend running at least 1-2 test responses. To test out a form, you can view a form online from the dashboard by clicking on the three dots next to a form and selecting “View”.

Make sure the Required fields are set up, the Conditionals are working, your success message is correct, and your responses are going through.

Sharing Forms

To share your forms, we recommend adding the Form to any page you'd like. You can jump into the Page editor and add a block. The Form block (located on the SubSplash section of blocks) will house all the forms that you can bring to your site.

You will be prompted to either create a new form or select from your already existing forms.

New Forms location on the page editor

Adding the form block prompt


How are these different from the old SnapPages forms?

  • The previous version for forms didn’t save responses, they were only sent in an email

  • There are new Profile Elements

  • The Person field generates profiles on Subsplash

  • Responses can be viewed in your Dashboard

  • Forms are saved and can be used in multiple places

How are these different from Church Management forms?

  • Church Management allows you to add custom fields to its equivalent of the Person Block whereas these forms have pre-defined fields you can toggle on and off.

  • Church Management has some additional input elements, including file uploads and custom HTML markup for making your own components

  • Church Management has the concept of “groups” that allow you to group elements together and nest fields. This is mainly for layout purposes.

  • Church Management allows you to add tags, add to a group, add capabilities, and various other automation to an individual who fills out a form. More of this could be added with time to the SnapPages version if the demand is there.

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