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People Merge

Merge two people into one should a user accidentally create a second account or if you need to clean up an import.

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over 3 months ago

Merge cannot be undone so proceed with caution and ensure your users want to be merged and that the correct profiles are being selected.


You can merge profiles directly from the People screen. By hovering your mouse over the contacts you would like to merge, select the check mark on the right-hand side, and click Merge at the top of the screen. Then, select which profile you would like to be primary.

Unique data like name, email, phone number, and address will be kept for the primary person and removed from the secondary profile. All other data will be combined including gift history, recurring gifts, group membership, households, Notes, Church Management data, and app login methods.

You can preview the merge. We recommend slowing down to ensure this is the correct decision since Merge jobs cannot be undone. You could potentially merge two different people who would then have access to one another payment methods.

The two people involved in the merge will be emailed to let them know that you merged their accounts and tell them how to log in.

You have the option to disable this email but we recommend leaving it on that way the users you merged get the correct information about how to log in. For more information, check out Notifying a Merged Person

Merge History

You can view the merge history in the profile. The rows of data on the right tell you what contact information was adjusted during the merge if there are any (email, phone, address, etc.). If no merge took place, then there will be no "Merge History" button on the profile.



Duplicate Detector

We detect duplicate profiles to help you manage your people database more quickly. Go to People > Duplicates to start merging.

We surface one match at a time. You can either merge the two profiles (arrows coming together image) or ignore our match suggestion (eye with a slash image).

You can view all your duplicates by selecting "View ignored". From here, you can choose to merge contacts previously determined to be ignored.

You can adjust your match criteria to fine-tune the number of potential duplicates.

Matching logic:

  • Full name: we count the matching characters and if 90% or more of the characters are the same, we consider that a match. It also accounts for nicknames (i.e. Ben, Benny, Benjamin) and ignores diacritic characters (i.e. ñ), titles, and punctuation

  • Phone number: exact match

  • Email: exact match

  • Address: exact match

Potential Duplicates will also display a confidence score for each suggested match. Those confidence levels are:

  • High: a confidence score greater than or equal to 95%

  • Medium: a 75-94% confidence score

  • Low: any score less than 74%


What if I have more than 2 of the same person?

If there are three or more profiles that are the exact match, we will only surface one match at a time in the Duplicate Detector and hide the other. After you merge or ignore the first match, we will surface the next profile in line for you to review. For example, if you imported multiple people lists and ended up with four exact profiles, then we would surface the first two profiles as a match. After resolving those two profiles, we would surface the next profile to either merge or ignore.

You can adjust your match criteria to fine-tune the number of potential duplicates.

What happens to the person’s login after the merge?

  • If both accounts have a login, then the primary profile's email will be their main communication email for gift receipts, etc. Either profile's login will grant them access to the same account.

  • If one account has a login and the other does not, for example, the primary profile does not have a login but the second profile does, the person can log in using the second profile login as that is the one that will replace the primary.

  • If neither has a login, when the person signs up and the email address matches the profile in your system, it will attach that person to that profile.

What happens to the secondary email after the merge?

Similar to the answer above, a secondary email merges into a profile and both primary and secondary emails can be used to log in and access the profile. Only the primary is used for communication.

This means the secondary email is still used in our system and not available for use by other users. If two users were merged accidentally and one tries to create a new account with the same email, it will not work. The user needs to use a different email address to create a new account and start fresh.

Please be careful with who you merge.

Can I undo a Merge?

No. At this time merging is an irreversible process. Please merge carefully.

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