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People & Household Import

Learn how to migrate contact and household information into Subsplash!

Tyler Kraeger avatar
Written by Tyler Kraeger
Updated over a week ago

Importing contacts is an important step that should be done with diligence. This article contains all you need to import and migrate your data to Subsplash.

If you will be importing Donation information, please view our article titled Giving Import.

Gathering the Data

Download & Backup Your Data

Most database platforms allow their information to be exported into a CSV file. Every platform is different; therefore, if you need assistance downloading a CSV, please review your current database's knowledge center or contact a member of their Support Team.

After downloading all of your data, we recommend making a copy of each file. Keep the original files in a folder and leave them untouched. Place the copies in another folder, these are the files you can alter and may even delete. This workflow process allows you to have a backup version of the data, which you can reference or start over with.

Consolidate Your Data

If your data comes in a collection of spreadsheets, you will want to consolidate them into a single CSV file. Likewise, if a single file contains multiple sheets, please consolidate them into a single sheet.

Each row can be thought of as one individual, while each column is information about the individual. For example:

First Name

Last Name


Date of Birth







During the consolidation process, don't worry about the header language, duplicate entries, or outdated information, as we'll cover that later. For now, just focus on getting all of the information in one place. It's much easier to clean data within a master file and fewer mistakes are made.

Once the master file is complete, we recommend creating a copy of your master file before moving forward.

Cleaning The Data

Having a new system like Subsplash is a great time to start fresh. Over time, data can get disorganized or outdated. Now is a great time to sift through and decide what information is useful moving forward and leave out the rest.

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When cleaning your data, there are two main lenses to have:

  • Cleaning for Quality: make sure your data is of good quality.

  • Cleaning for Subsplash: Subsplash has specific rules for how its fields should look.

Cleaning for Quality


When reviewing the columns in your spreadsheet, evaluate whether each piece of data will be used within the next six months. If a column contains information that is unlikely to be needed in that timeframe, consider removing it. Keeping only relevant data ensures your records remain organized, manageable, and useful.


Next, assess whether each column has been updated within the last six months. For example, a field like "Graduation Year" may be relevant, but if it hasn’t been updated recently, it could be outdated and less useful. In such cases, consider removing the column to ensure your file contains only current, high-quality data.

Cleaning for Subsplash

Now your master file includes relevant and up-to-date information, it's time to clean each field or data type. Here's a categorized summary of the default Subsplash Fields we'll cover.

If you don't see a data field you'd like, custom fields can be created later in our process.

Name & Contact Details

Upon importing the data, Subsplash will look for and merge duplicate contacts. It does so when a contact's name and at least one contact detail (see table above) matches an existing contact within your file or within Subsplash.

While individuals can still be imported without contact details, we recommend against it. High-quality data should be up-to-date and useful for future decisions. Contacts missing basic details are difficult to utilize effectively and will likely lead to duplicate entries later due to insufficient identifying information.


The first and last name should be split into different columns. Remember, each row can be thought of as one individual, while each column is information about the individual. Therefore, you cannot have more than one name, like a spouse, listed in "First Name." For example, here is a correct example:

If your file contains the first and last name in a single column, there is a quick and easy solution called Split Text. Click to view how to Split Text in Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel.

Contact Details

To minimize duplicates, ensure each contact has at least one contact detail. As mentioned above, our system uses both the Name and Contact Details to automatically merge existing and new contacts. For example, if you import a contact who later creates a profile in your app, the system will check for matching Name and Contact Details. If a match is found, the contact is automatically merged, helping to maintain a clean and organized database.

Emails cannot be shared between contacts. Each contact should have their own email address, if they don't, it should be left blank.

Each contact should have a unique email address, as emails are used for creating and logging into profiles on your app or website. Additionally, having a unique email becomes even more important as donors begin to give so that only they see their own contributions.

Shared emails can prevent individuals from accessing their own accounts and may lead to miscommunication when sending emails or managing contact records. To maintain accuracy, filter the master file by email to identify shared emails. Shared emails often occur when spouses share an email or a parent uses the same email for their child. Remove or update duplicate emails to keep your records clean and ensure smooth account access.

Household Data

A household is a group of contacts connected by a common relationship, typically individuals living in the same home. Households play a key role in Subsplash Check-In, as only members of the same household can be checked in together. Ensuring accurate household groupings helps streamline the check-in process and improves overall organization.

Household ID

This field groups contacts into the same household if they share the same Household ID.

  • Format: Any string of text or numbers, like "123" or "Smith Household"

If your data does not include a Household ID, you can use the Street Address to group contacts into the same household. To do this, copy the Street Address column and rename it "Household ID." During import, contacts sharing the same Household ID will be grouped together, ensuring accurate household relationships.

Household Name

This field is used to name newly created Households.

  • Format: Text, e.g. "Smith Family"

If no name is provided, the import will automatically name the household using the last name of the first contact imported into that household.

Household Role

Roles are used for Subsplash Check-in to determine whether the contact is an adult or child.

  • Format: Adult, Child, or empty

If your data does not have a Household Role, filter your contacts by age to determine whether a contact is an "Adult" or "Child" and add the status to a new column.

Household Address

While Profile Address and Household Address may contain similar information, they serve different purposes and should be treated separately as they are not automatically linked. A Profile Address is assigned to an individual contact and may be unique to them, while a Household Address is shared among all members of a household.

  • Format: Must be separated into the following columns.

    • Household Street

    • Household Street 2

    • Household City

    • Household State

    • Household Postal Code

    • Household Country

Other Default Fields

There are many other data points organizations wish to collect. Subsplash provides additional fields in hopes to catch as much of your data as possible. Remember, if you don't see a data field you'd like, custom fields can be created later in our process.

Membership Status

This is used to capture the status of an individual and their interaction with the Church.

  • Format: Member, Regular Attender, Visitor, Newcomer, or Unknown/Blank

If you need more Membership Status choices beyond Subsplash's default options, you can create a custom dropdown field later.

Marital Status

  • Format: Single, Married, Widowed, Separated, Divorced, or Unknown


  • Format: Male, Female, or Unknown

Grade Level

  • Format: pre-k, k, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, or blank

  • This will only show for "Child" household roles

Allergy Notes

  • Format: Any kind of text or numbers

  • This will only show for "Child" household roles

Care Notes

  • Format: Text or numbers

  • This will only show for "Child" household roles

External ID

  • Format: Text or numbers

  • This is also known as an Envelope Number and can be used when recording cash or check donations

Prepare The Data

The final step to complete before importing is to prepare the data. Even after cleaning your data, there are a few important steps to complete in Subsplash before importing it. Ensuring these preparations are in place will help prevent errors and streamline the import process.

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Identify Custom Fields

While Subsplash includes many default fields, your file may contain data points not built into the Subsplash system.

For example, if your file includes a "Preschool Snack Preference" column, you won’t find a default field for this in Subsplash. To import and store this information, you’ll need to create a custom field in Subsplash before uploading your data.

Compare the columns in your file to the Subsplash fields. Within your file, highlight any column that cannot be found below.

If you determine Custom Fields are not needed, jump to the import process!

Create Custom Fields

Each column you identified in the previous step is considered custom data and needs to have its own custom field created in Subsplash.

  1. With an Administrator Role, click on People in the main Dashboard.

  2. Click Settings

  3. Click Create a Custom Field

  4. Select a Field Type

Custom Fields offer five field types allowing you to choose the best format for importing the data. Here are the five types in detail.

Short Answer

A short answer field is used for collecting brief responses or single-line answers.

  • Examples: Occupation, School, Relatives, Spiritual Gifts, Joined How

  • Format: Text/Numbers, max 250 characters

Long Answer

A long answer field allows you to enter more detailed or extended responses than a Short Answer field.

  • Examples: Testimony, Past Pastoral Notes, Administrative Notes

  • Format: Text/Numbers


A dropdown lets you choose one option from a list of choices. It's used when you want to limit what people can choose and make sure the data is consistent.

  • Examples: T-Shirt Size, Active or Inactive, Yes or No Answers.

  • Format: Text/Numbers, Max 20 Choices

    • In Subsplash: Make sure the values in the CSV file exactly match one of the choices you enter in the dropdown.

    • In your Spreadsheet: Each row should have only one choice from the dropdown options.

Use a Dropdown field if you need more Membership Status choices beyond Subsplash's default options.

Multi Choice

A Multi Choice field lets you select more than one value from a list of options. This is useful when you want to allow multiple choices for a single field, while also making sure the data is consistent.

  • Examples: Classes Complete, Groups, Areas of Involvement

  • Format: Text/Numbers, Max 20 Choices

    • In Subsplash: Make sure every choice in the CSV file exactly matches one of the choices you enter in the dropdown.

    • In your Spreadsheet: For contacts with multiple choices, separate the choices by a | character. For example: Choice 1|Choice 2|Choice 3


A date field is a type of input field that allows users to enter a specific date.

  • Examples: Expiration Date, Wedding Anniversary, Deceased, Transferred Date

  • Format: MM/DD/YYYY


Imports cannot be undone; therefore, please review all of the previous steps with diligence.

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Export The CSV

  1. Open the master file spreadsheet where you've been cleaning and preparing your data (Google Sheets, Excel, or another program)

  2. Double-check that no filters are active in your spreadsheet

  3. Export the spreadsheet as a .csv file to your computer. If you need help exporting from your program, we recommend Googling, "How to export as a csv file in [insert program]."

Upload the CSV to Subsplash

You must have an Administrator role in your Subsplash Dashboard to complete the following steps.

  1. Within the Subsplash Dashboard, please navigate to People in the left hand menu

  2. Select Import

  3. Drag and drop the CSV file into the upload area or click Upload to select the file from your computer.

Match Columns to Fields

When the CSV uploads to Subsplash, you will be directed to a new page. Each row represents a column header from your spreadsheet. On the left, you’ll see the name of each column header that existed within your file, on the right there is a dropdown menu containing the Subsplash data fields.

  1. Match each column header to the appropriate field in Subsplash.

  2. If you cannot find an applicable Subsplash Field that matches your data, check the "ignore this field" box on the right and the information will not be imported.

  3. Once each row has a field assigned to it, double check that each row one more time for good measure.

Import Data

  1. Click Continue in the top right corner.

  2. Review the table and ensure that the Subsplash field is assigned to the correct column in your spreadsheet. If adjustments need to be made, use the arrow to go back to column matching, or cancel if you need to update your spreadsheet and upload again.

  3. You will be asked if you'd like to include or exclude the first row in your file. If your file includes a header row, you will want to exclude the first row.

  4. If everything looks good, click Finish Import.

  5. Depending on the size of the file, the import may take some time. You may navigate away from the page, you'll be notified when the import is complete via email.

Review Contacts

The final step is to confirm the imported information, review it for accuracy, correct any errors, and reimport any data that was not successfully imported.

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Check for Errors

If a contact had incompatible or incomplete data, it may not have been imported. Subsplash will place the non-imported contacts into a file for review.

  1. Within the Subsplash Dashboard, please navigate to People in the left-hand menu.

  2. Select Import

  3. At the bottom of the page, click on your completed import under Import History.

  4. If data was not imported due to errors, you'll see the option to Download a .CSV of the contacts you need to review.

  5. Open the CSV and view the last column. Subsplash will have created an "error" column that will include a reason as to why the contact could not be imported. Address each of the errors by editing the downloaded file.

  6. When you're ready, import the error file and repeat the import steps.

Find & Merge Duplicates

If contacts existed in Subsplash before your import, it's possible the import created a few duplicates. This may have been caused by the Name and Contact Details not matching an existing contact. If you need a review on this, revisit the Name & Contact Details step for more info.

Thankfully, Subsplash has the handy-dandy Duplicator Detector. Here's how you can find and merge duplicates.

Check People & Households

A final way to review your data is to compare contacts between your .CSV and the Subsplash Dashboard.

  1. In your original CSV, choose 3-5 contacts to compare.

  2. In your Subsplash Dashboard, search for the contacts in People and compare the data to your .CSV, making sure everything imported correctly.

  3. Similarly, click on Households to review the contacts and their newly formed households, if applicable.

Import: Complete

Congratulations on your successful import! With your newly imported contacts, you can easily reach out and support your community using tools like Check-in, Group Messaging, and other communication features.

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