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Setting your Website Live

Step-by-step instructions for going live with your SnapPages website

Tanner Ramey avatar
Written by Tanner Ramey
Updated over a year ago

While your site will be live on your default SnapPages subdomain (eg. ""), most will want to have your site at a custom domain. If you still need to purchase a domain name read more here.

Once you have registered your custom domain there are just a few steps to get your new website live!

Step 1

You will need to point your domain’s A-records to our server’s IP Address (

To do this, go through your current domain registrar and update the Advanced DNS section (we recommend you contact the registrar if you need help) to point the domain’s A-Records to the IP address of our servers:

Depending on how your domain registrar works, you may need to set up (or edit) two A-Records with different Host options — one for @ and one for www. Set these with the same value ( to ensure the connection works properly.

Note! It is only your domain’s A-records you are updating, other parameters such as nameserver do not need to be changed.

Step 2

Once this has been done, log into your SnapPages account and click ‘Domain Names’ from under the ‘Settings’ tab while in the account dashboard.

From there, click ‘Connect a Domain Name’ and enter your domain into the ‘Domain Name’ field and click ‘Continue.’ While it can take up to 24 hours for the domain to begin pointing to your site, it typically happens immediately. You will see your “Pending” status in the dashboard turn to a green “Active” status one the domain has synched.


Step 3

Once your status is set to “Active” be sure you toggle on your SSL certificate to secure your site. If you do not secure your site visitors may receive a warning message when attempting to enter your site. Read more here.

After all those steps are completed, your site is now LIVE!

Having Trouble?

Various issues can arise that prevent or delay your custom domain directing properly. The first step we recommend if you’re having issues is to use this DNS Lookup Tool. Enter your custom domain here and ensure it shows our A-record server IP address:

Contact your DNS host if you are not sure how to make changes to your domain's A-records, please not sometimes the DNS host may lock these settings for users, so the only way to change the A-records would be to contact them.


If the A-records are displaying a different address please contact your DNS provider directly for additional troubleshooting.

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