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Messaging Security and Privacy
Messaging Security and Privacy

When it comes to adopting a tool for church communication, we know that safety and security is of the utmost importance.

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over a week ago

That's why we've built Subsplash Messaging with your administrators, group managers, and members all in mind.


Every direct message and group message is automatically filtered for any inappropriate images and text before it is delivered! While our text moderation is set "as-is", you can always report any words that have been mistakenly filtered to our support team (contact support) so that we can have those words whitelisted going forward.

Image moderation is handled by Google Cloud Vision API. You can read more about it and test your images here!

Beyond our automated moderation tools, we've also equipped Messaging users with the ability to report any content or users that they might find questionable. Simply click on the message or user within Subsplash Messaging and select "Report" to submit a simple report form:


Once submitted, your Subsplash dashboard administrators (and group manager if reported from a group) will receive an email letting them know what was reported and who submitted the report.

Ban a user from Messaging

Note: Banning a user is a serious action, and you should not ban a user as a "test" ban. There is no simple un-ban feature, so please be sure you are only banning malicious users from Messaging!

Should a user need to be removed from Subsplash Messaging, dashboard admins can ban a user instantly from the Messaging service. Simply navigate to the dashboard People profile details page or Group details page, select the action menu (...), and select "Ban from Messaging". The user will not be notified and they will no longer be able to access any Messaging features, functionality, or content.

ban user.png

If a user is accidentally banned or no longer needs to be banned, contact Subsplash Support and we can have the user ban reversed.

Manage your group's visibility and enrollment settings

At any time, both dashboard admins and group managers can change a group's visibility (public vs private) and enrollment (open, closed, and request to join) settings from the dashboard (admins) or mobile/web app (group managers). Click here to learn more!


All communication between our servers and client applications is encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS) / SSL with both server-side and client-side authentication. Our servers are in data centers that have ISO 27001, SSAE-16, SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3 certifications. End-to-end encryption is not available at this time.

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