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Export your Subsplash Giving Data
Export your Subsplash Giving Data
Logan Silver avatar
Written by Logan Silver
Updated over 8 months ago

Exporting your Subsplash Giving data is easy! This article will walk you through the process step by step with some examples of third-party platforms.


This is only intended for the ACS product and not for Realm. If you need importing support with Realm, we recommend reaching out to Realm's support team directly:

Enter Organization Member IDs in Subsplash Giving

Organization Member IDs are usually referred to as "Envelope Numbers" in ACS. Read here

In order to set up the proper export for ACS, you will need to request for the Organization Member ID field to be turned on for your account.

After you've received confirmation that the ID field has been turned on, log into the Subsplash Dashboard and click People in the side menu.

Then, click on the name of any person who has an Envelope Number in ACS. Click the Giving Tab next and input their Envelope Number into the external ID field and click save.

Repeat the process for all donors who have Envelope Numbers in ACS.


Enter Custom Fund IDs in Subsplash Giving

Input Custom Fund IDs for all of your funds.

Export your Simple Sync CSV

In the side menu click Transfers. Select the transfer you want to export.

Once you've selected the Transfer, click Export.

You can also export from the Transactions tab. However, we recommend exporting from the Transfers tab because these gifts have already been successfully processed and deposited into your account.

Prepare your Simple Sync CSV for ACS

Once you've downloaded your Simple Sync CSV and opened it with Excel, delete all the columns except for the following (make sure to actually delete the columns, not just the content in the columns). Reorder the columns in this order:

  1. Organization Member ID

  2. Fund Code

  3. Gross Amount (if you exported from the Transactions tab, this will be called the Give Amount)

  4. Transaction ID

We also recommend deleting any rows with Balance Adjustment in the status column (column R). The balance adjustment represents your GrowCurve rebates. While this information is important for accounting, it doesn't usually make sense to import into ACS.

Optionally, you can also delete all the empty rows in your sheet to avoid errors in ACS. This step isn't critical, because the sync will still work if empty rows are present.

Save your Excel file as a CSV (not an xlsx file).

Click the link below to download an example CSV with the correct formatting.

Prepare to Import

Login to ACS and start a new batch. We recommend titling the batch "Subsplash mm/dd/yyyy."

From the "Manage Records" menu, navigate to the Contributions tab and click "Enter/Post Contributions."

Click "Import Transactions," then "File Import."

In the file type dropdown list, select "Comma Separated Values." Check "Omit First Record" (since the first row of the Simple Sync CSV is column titles).

Select the Payment Type.

In the "Select Open Batch" dropdown menu, select the batch you want to import the transactions into. If you haven't created a batch yet, click "Start New Batch."


Click "Import" and import your modified Simple Sync CSV.

Remember, if you didn't delete empty rows, ACS will return some errors but the sync will still be successful.

You must have your CSV file saved and closed, or the import will fail.

Make sure to save and close the batch, and you're all set!


Step 1: Export your Simple Sync CSV

Login to the Subsplash Giving Dashboard. In the side menu click Transfers. Select the transfer you want to export.


Once you've selected the Transfer, click Export.


You can also export from the Gifts tab. However, we recommend exporting from the Transfers tab because these gifts have already been successfully processed and deposited into your account.

Step 2: Prepare your Simple Sync CSV for Elvanto

Once you've downloaded your Simple Sync CSV, delete all the columns except for the following:

  • Transaction Date

  • Transfer ID

  • Donor First Name

  • Donor Last Name

  • Gross Amount (if you exported from the Gifts tab, this will be called the Give Amount)

  • Fund

We also recommend deleting any rows with Balance Adjustment in the status column (column R). The balance adjustment represents your GrowCurve rebates. While this information is important for accounting, it doesn't usually make sense to import into


Step 3: Prepare to Import

Next, login to your Elvanto account. From the Financial menu, select Import.

Step 4: Upload your Simple Sync CSV

Upload your modified CSV file. Select Transactions and leave the date format as mm/dd/yyyy

Step 5: Match your Fields

Next, you'll be prompted to match up each Subsplash Giving Field with the Corresponding Elvanto field. You'll only need to do this once as long as you keep your columns in the same order going forward. Here's how it will look in Elvanto.

If you get any errors, review them carefully. These errors are often the result of matching people by name. If that happens, open Elvanto in a second tab and add anyone who isn't already in Elvanto. Otherwise, navigating back in the same tab to add people will result in losing your work.

If you imported any additional columns by mistake, you can select "Ignore this Column" and the data will not be imported into Elvanto.

Step 6: Import

Choose whether you want to add to a batch or create a new batch. You can also add your import to a certain account or sub account from the drop down menus at the bottom. Next, hit Continue and look for the success screen!

Now your gifts from Subsplash Giving are captured in Elvanto.


Step 1: Enter Organization External IDs in Subsplash Giving

Log into the Subsplash Giving Dashboard. On the side menu, select People.

Click on the name of any donor who has an Envelope Number in PowerChurch. Select the box under the heading External ID. Input the Envelope Number.

External IDs are usually referred to as "Envelope Numbers" in PowerChurch.

Repeat the process for all donors who have Envelope Numbers in PowerChurch.

Step 2: Enter Custom Fund IDs in Subsplash Giving

You will need to add your PowerChurch Fund IDs to Subsplash Giving.

Custom Fund IDs is a custom field in Subsplash Giving that we can enable for you manually. If you don't see Custom Fund IDs in your Subsplash Giving Dashboard as shown in the screenshot below, submit a ticket and we'll enable this for you.

Input Custom Fund IDs for all of your funds.

Step 3: Export your Simple Sync CSV

In the side menu, click Transfers. Select the transfer you want to export.


Once you've selected the Transfer, click Export.


Step 4: Prepare your Simple Sync CSV for PowerChurch

Once you've downloaded your Simple Sync CSV and opened it with Excel, delete all the columns except for the following (make sure to actually delete the columns, not just the content in the columns). Reorder the columns in this order:

  1. External ID

  2. Gross Amount (if you exported from the Transactions tab, this will be called the Give Amount)

  3. Date

  4. Fund Code

  5. Check #

You can also add your own "Memo" column and enter "Subsplash" in every row. This will appear in the memo line for the transactions in PowerChurch and will allow you to track donations that came from Subsplash Giving more accurately.

We also recommend deleting any rows with Balance Adjustment in the status column (column R). The balance adjustment represents your GrowCurve rebates. While this information is important for accounting, it doesn't usually make sense to import into PowerChurch.

Save your Excel file as a CSV (not an xlsx file)

To download an example CSV with the correct formatting, please select the link below.

Step 5: Prepare to Import

Login to PowerChurch. From the "Contributions" menu, select "Import Contributions."

Upload your Simple Sync CSV and select "Next."

Select your Simple Sync CSV. Check the box "The first line of the import file contains field names."

Step 6: Review and Confirm

Review the Contribution Summary and click Finish. That's it!


Step 1: Exporting your transactions

The first step in syncing transactions will require you to export your transactions from the Subsplash Giving Dashboard. While you can export transactions from both the Transactions page and the Transfers page, we highly recommend exporting from the Transfers page to ensure that the transactions you are syncing match those that make it to your bank account.

To export your transactions, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Transfer page within your dashboard.

  2. Select the Past Transfer that you wish to export.

  3. Select Export. A download will begin and you will be able to find your export in the form of a CSV file saved to your computer's downloads folder.

Step 2: Preparing your CSV

Before importing your transactions we will need to modify the CSV file provided from Subsplash, in order to match PSFS's import requirements. Follow the steps below to prepare your CSV file for importing:

Open your CSV file in your spreadsheet software of choice. For this article, we will be using Google Sheets.

Reduce your columns to member_id (Envelope #), transaction_date, gross_amount, and fund_code (Fund ID #). Be sure to arrange your columns in this order:

Add a new column to account for Contributions vs. Pledges so that your spreadsheet looks like this:

Note: Cell A1 should contain "H", while all other cell cells in column A will contain "C" to mark the transaction as a contribution in PSFS.

Modify the rest of row 1 to account for your POL# (a 3-5 digit number that serves as a unique identifier for your organization in PSFS) in cell B1, the number "2" in cell C1, and leaving cells D1 & E1 blank:

Leaving columns A-E, delete any remaining columns and any blank rows.

Save the file as a CSV (comma delimited) file type.

Step 3: Importing your transactions

Now that your CSV is ready to import, all you need to do is to import the file into PSFS.

Church Office Online

Step 1: Export your Simple Sync CSV

Login to the Subsplash Dashboard. In the side menu click Giving > Transfers. Select the transfer you want to export.

Once you've selected the Transfer, click Export.

Tip! You can also export from the Transactions tab. However, we recommend exporting from the Transfers tab because these gifts have already been successfully processed and deposited into your account.

Step 2: Prepare your Simple Sync CSV for Church Office Online

Once you've downloaded your Simple Sync CSV, delete any rows with Balance Adjustment in the status column. The balance adjustment represents your GrowCurve rebates. While this information is important for accounting, it can't be imported into Church Office Online because it isn't associated with a user.

Additionally, you will need to edit any columns with dates so they are in the MM/DD/YYYY format (the default is MM/DD/YY). Once you have these changes made, save your file and you're ready for the import step!

Step 3: Prepare to Import

Next, login to your Church Office Online account.

  1. Select Utilities in the top navigation.

  2. Select Import Giving.

From the Import Giving screen, select Choose File and upload your CSV file. Next, fill out the blanks to match the column names we use in the CSV. See the screenshot below for what should be used.

Step 4: Audit Users and Funds

If you have any donors who gave through Subsplash Giving but don't have a Church Office Online account yet, or if you have any funds with a slightly different name than what is in your Church Office Online system, you'll see a screen (as below) asking you to reconcile fund and donor names. If your donor is new, you will need to create a new Church Office Online account for them.

Step 5: Import

Once all your donors are added to Church Office Online, you'll see a message at the top of your screen like the one below.

You're done! To view the donations later, go to the Reports menu and choose Giving.

Servant Keeper

These instructions cover Servant Keeper 7 and Servant Keeper 8.

Step 1: Enter External IDs in Subsplash Giving

External IDs are usually referred to as “Envelope Numbers” in Servant Keeper.

Log into the Subsplash Dashboard and click People in the side menu.

Click on the name of any donor who has an Envelope Number in Servant Keeper. Click the box under External ID. Input their Envelope Number.

Repeat the process for all donors who have Envelope Numbers in Servant Keeper.

Step 2: Enter Custom Fund IDs in Subsplash Giving

You’ll need to add your Servant Keeper Fund IDs to Subsplash Giving. First, request that the Custom Fund ID field to be turned on for your account. Please email to request this change.

After you’ve received confirmation that the Custom Field ID field has been turned on, go to Funds. Click on your individual funds and input Servant Keeper’s fund code into this field. Click Save.

Input Custom Fund IDs for all of your funds.

Step 3: Export your Simple Sync CSV

In the side menu click Transfers > Past Transfers. Select the transfer you want to export.

Once you’ve selected the Transfer, click Export.

You can also export from the Transactions tab. However, we recommend exporting from the Transfers tab because these gifts have already been successfully processed and deposited into your account.

Step 4: Prepare your Simple Sync file for Servant Keeper

Once you’ve exported your transfer or transaction data, open it with Excel and delete all the columns except for the following (make sure to actually delete the columns, not just the content in the columns). Reorder the columns in this order:

  • member_id

  • fund

  • transaction_Date

  • gross_amount

We also recommend deleting any rows with Balance Adjustment in the status column. The balance adjustment represents your GrowCurve rebates. While this information is important for accounting, it doesn’t usually make sense to import into Servant Keeper.

Servant Keeper refers to the same column data as:

  • Envelope #

  • Account Name (Fund)

  • Batch Date

  • Amount

You may also create additional columns that are not required, but accepted by Servant Keeper:

  • Pay Type (Cash, Check, Credit, Online, Direct, Other)

  • Check Number

  • Tax Indicator (TRUE for tax deductible, FALSE for non-tax deductible)

  • Note (a short memo)

It is most common for the spreadsheet to have a header row (column headers), but it is not required. In this example, here we have the cleaned up and reordered columns:

You could either delete the header row, or rename the column headers to the following below:

Save your Excel file as either a .CSV, .xlxs, or .xls file.

Step 5: Import

Within your Servant Keeper software, import your modified file. You can do so by going to the Contribution Manager module. Click Import > Import Contributions from File to begin the import process.

Though “mm/dd/yy” isn’t displayed as one of the selectable date formats, the Servant Keeper will recognize that format as “mm/dd/yyyy” and fill in the first two digits of the full year (e.g. all contributions dated “12/28/18" would import into Servant Keeper as “12/28/2018.

Additional Accounting Tips

If you use both Servant Keeper and Quickbooks, you will want to enter the fees in manually. Check out this article on recording fees at the end of the month.

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