Make sure your plugin setup is complete and your Financial Gateway has been configured.
Map Funds to Accounts
Start by going to Admin > Installed Plugins > Subsplash > Funds and Sync Funds to bring over your Subsplash Funds into Rock.
You will see a row for each Fund and Sub-fund you have in Subsplash and if you use Campuses there will be additional rows with the same Fund name but different campus names:
When first synced there will be no Rock Account selected and you can start mapping Funds to Accounts. A Fund can be mapped to many Accounts as needed.
Sync Transactions
We recommend to Sync Transactions after mapping your Funds and then setting up a Job to automate transaction syncing. In Admin > System Settings > Job Administration and click + to add a new Job. Look for "Sync Subsplash Donations (Plugin)" and select your Subsplash Gateway:
Your Cron Expression and Number of days back to sync can be set to what works best for your organization.
At this point, your existing donations should have been synced over from the initial Sync Transactions and they will continue to sync thanks to the Job.
Campaigns and Pledges
In version 2.2 of the plugin, there is a unidirectional sync of Campaigns and Pledges from Subsplash to Rock. This lets you continue to process gifts through Subsplash Giving via created Campaigns and Pledges from donors while maintaining the records in Rock.
In your plugin settings under Funds, you will see an icon next to the fund name if it is connected to a Campaign. If you do not see this make sure to sync your funds.
Your pledges from donors will show in Rock under Finance > Pledges.
When a donation is received in Subsplash with a designation to the fund associated with the campaign, it fulfills the pledged amount. Once the donation is imported into Rock, it also automatically will fulfill the pledged amount for the account account.
Batches and Transfers
Since donations are processed through Subsplash your Transfer will always come from Subsplash and show on the Transfers page, but you do have control over batches in Rock.
In your Installed Plugins > Subsplash > Settings, click on your API client. The Batch Method dropdown option will have:
Transfer ID (default): Batch transactions together based on the transfer in Subsplash and its transfer ID.
Daily/Weekly: Allows the setting from the Financial Gateway to be used to configure daily or weekly batches based on the date of the gifts.
Refunds do not sync between Subsplash and Rock at the moment, to initiate a refund you will need to make sure to refund the Gift in Subsplash to return the money to your user and refund the transaction in Rock to make sure the batch/transaction are updated correctly.