This documentation is specific to our previous version of our sync with Rock referred to as the Rock RMS Giving Integration. The setup of this integration is no longer supported and the new version with added features can be found in our Rock Plugin. The following article is the information needed if you continue using the old version.
Data Syncing
Rock will sync with Subsplash Funds, Donors, Sub-funds, Campuses, and gift amounts. The two systems will sync individual transactions throughout the day and batches according to your deposit schedule (weekly on Wednesday, by default).
Only processed transactions are synced. If a donation was gifted through ACH, that transaction will not be sent over to Rock until it has processed. Gift Processing & Transfer FAQs
Normally, Subsplash Giving (SSG) and Rock data will sync seamlessly between the two systems. However, you may need to manually link up data from time to time.
Go to the Integrations section of the Giving Dashboard. The blue dot means that there is a transaction that is stuck.
Click on Rock.
Here you can find the status of your transactions, how many transactions have synced up, and if there is a problem.
The Un-synced Transactions banner will indicate how many transactions are unable to sync to Rock
The Resolve Items marker indicates whether an action is needed.
Matching Members
If one of your members used a nickname or a different email address instead of the information they are using in Rock, you’ll need to manually match them up. Don’t worry, we’ve made matching member profiles easy. With one click you can link the two accounts and you’ll never have to worry about linking them again.
Here we can see that there are a few issues with your donors. Click on Members.
You’ll see a Manual Link Required flag on any members that need to be synced.
The small i indicates that transactions will be unable to sync for this donor until the donor is matched to their Rock profile.
The Manual Link Required badge only indicates that the donor is unlinked and that transactions will not sync if that donor gives on their account again in the future.
You can search your Rock database for your donor to find the correct match. Select the appropriate Rock donor and Link.
Searching by the last name is sometimes the quickest way to find the member, or click on Deep Search to search by alternative names and email addresses.
Alternatively, the donor could have duplicate accounts in SSG. Check out this article on managing multiple donor accounts to learn more.
When you find the correct donor account in Rock, click on Link.
Adding Members to Rock
However, if you have done a Deep Search and the donor is not found, the donor may not exist in Rock. Click on Add to Rock RMS, which will create the donor account in the other system.
Linking Funds
You may need to link funds, especially if they are newly created.
Go to Integrations > Rock RMS > Funds.
You’ll see a Manual Link Required flag on any funds that need to be synced.
The small i indicates that transactions will be unable to sync for this fund until the fund is matched to their Rock profile.
The Manual Link Required badge only indicates that the donor is unlinked and that transactions will not sync if that donor gives on their account again in the future.
Click on the fund that matches and Link. If you just created a new fund, click on Refresh Funds to update the list.
Not finding your Fund on the list? Ensure that in Rock your fund is not a child fund to another fund. If you just created a new fund, click on Refresh Funds to update the list.
Linking Sub-funds
Linking Sub-funds functions similarly to linking Funds. The main difference being that Sub-funds can only be linked to child funds within Rock.
First, click on Sub-funds.
If one of your funds has sub-funds, they will show up in the Sub-funds list.
The main fund must be linked before Sub-funds can be linked. If your Sub-fund is not showing up in this list, first go to the Funds section and link the main fund first.
Click on the Sub-fund and Link it to the Rock child fund.
Not finding your Sub-fund in the list? Ensure that in Rock you have the child fund tied to the parent fund. If you just created a new fund, click on Refresh Funds to update the list.
In Rock’s list of Accounts, you can verify the association between parent and child funds:
Linking Campuses
While Subsplash can setup Campuses to sync with Rock, we have found that setting up your Funds to account for your campuses, produces more helpful reporting within Rock. You could set up your Funds, using Sub-funds to designate your campus selection. Here's a great example:
Alternatively, you can simply provide the Campus name and Fund name directly within the Fund name in Subsplash. Here is an example:
Utilizing funds/campuses in this way will ensure that your batches include a breakdown for your campuses.
Un-synced Transactions
You will want to ensure that your Members, Funds, Sub-funds, and Campuses (if you are using Campuses) are linked to ensure that no data is left behind. Pay attention to the “Resolve Items” notifications.
After you have resolved the linking issues, our system should reflect that change every 15-30 minutes.
If you have resolved the items and you still find that some transactions are un-synced, hold down the shift key on your keyboard and the Force Sync button will appear. Using this button will force a sync between systems and can be helpful in syncing transactions when there seems to be no reason why they might remain un-synced.
Skipped Transactions
If you recently connected Subsplash Giving to Rock, you may see Skipped Transactions. These are the transactions that were processed prior to setting up this integration and that will not be synced automatically. We do this by default to prevent duplicates for those organizations that may have entered in donations manually.
If you’d like to sync these transactions, you can hold down the shift key to push these through.
Warning! This action cannot be reversed.
Finding Synced Transactions
Since transactions sync in two stages between Rock and Subsplash, it can sometimes be difficult to locate a transaction. Transactions will show up in two places within Rock:
Donor Profiles
As soon as a gift is processed, you will be able to find it within the Contributions section of the donor's profile within Rock. This page will also show any refunds issued. Note that refunds can take up to 1-2 days to show up within Rock after being refunded in Subsplash Giving.
Just like the Donor Profile, a gift will show up within the Batches section of your Rock account as soon as the gift has processed. If the gift has not yet been deposited into your bank account, then it will appear under a "Pending" transfer batch in Rock:
As soon as a gift is deposited into your bank account, it will be moved from your pending transfer batch into a new batch along with the other gifts that were included in that deposit:
If you need to verify or troubleshoot a batch, use the Transfer # (pictured above) to match the transfer within Subsplash Giving.