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Unsynced Transactions

Learn why you have unsynced transactions and how to solve them.

Tanner Ramey avatar
Written by Tanner Ramey
Updated over a week ago

ATTENTION: Breeze / Tithl.ey no longer supports third-party API integrations for donation processing within Breeze for new customers. Customers with an established integration will continue to be supported by Breeze for the time being. As Breeze makes further decisions on the longevity of supported API Integrations, they will communicate directly with the customers affected. Subsplash asks for your grace and patience as we navigate this situation.

Subsplash integrates with four platforms: Church Community Builder (CCB), Planning Center Online (PCO), Breeze, and Rock RMS. The following article shares general information regarding the unsynced transactions that can occur with any integration. For additional information specific to your integration, please see the links at the bottom of this page!

Your Integration Needs Attention

When viewing the integration from the Subsplash Dashboard, the "NEEDS ATTENTION" label, will indicate unsynced transactions between Subsplash and your integration. Click on the banner to go to the integration overview page.

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Unsynced Transactions

You will want to ensure that your Members, Funds, Sub-funds, and Campuses (if you are using Campuses) are linked to ensure that no data is left behind (for help, see Additional Resources). Pay attention to the “Resolve Items” notifications. Our system will attempt to resync the unsynced transactions each time a deposit is made into your account; however, you can perform a Force Sync to sync the records faster.

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Tip: If you would like to download all unsynced transactions to view them for yourself, simply click the download icon on the far right side of the unsynced transactions box.

Force Syncing

After you have resolved the items, hold down the shift key on your keyboard and select Force Sync. Using this button Subsplash will attempt to send data again to your integration. This can be helpful to help sync transactions if there seems to be no reason why they are unsynced.

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After selecting Force Sync, you'll notice the number of unsynced transactions does not immediately change, this is expected. It can take some time for two programs to transfer transfer data. If you would like to see the status of the sync, select the unsynced transactions box and view the upper right corner.

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If there are syncs in the queue, Subsplash is currently working to transfer data. During this time, please do not link or unlink members, funds, or campuses, or attempt to force sync again. If you do so, it will affect the sync. When Subsplash has done all it can, "no syncs in queue" will be displayed in the upper right corner. You are now free to make additional actions with your integration.

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What do I do when there are unsynced transactions but no members or funds to link?

A rule of thumb for your integrations is to treat them like a mirror. If you have a fund named one way in your ChMs, set it up the same way in Subsplash. For every fund you have in your ChMs, set it up the same way in Subsplash. If you don't set it up that way, you could encounter issues like you see below.

Click on the "__ Unsynced Transactions" to view your unsynced transactions and view each of them to determine why they are unsynced.

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In the case listed above, you will see the reasons why the records are not syncing is due to a sub-fund not being linked and campus mismatch. This means that the sub-fund does not have anything to link to.

For sub-funds, you may have a sub-fund already linked to that sub-fund in your ChMS. The way Subsplash integrates with Rock, Breeze, Planning Center Online, and Church Community Builder is one-to-one for funds and member profiles. In this case, you'll need to click on each of your sub-funds listed to see if any of them are linked to the sub-fund you are trying to match your sub-fund to. According to the image above, you would be looking in your Integration sub-funds to see if any of the sub-funds are linked to "Random Sub 122222". If there are, unlink and link the sub-funds so they match.

The other option is much simpler: you don't have a sub-fund in your ChMs to link your sub-fund to. Simply create the sub-fund in your ChMs and link your Subsplash sub-fund to it. Then go to Integrations>click the banner>Sub-funds and click the sub-fund you want to link. Select the sub-fund you want to link and click "link".

For a campus mismatch, this means that your campus is not linked to a campus in your ChMs. You'll need to follow the same principles as mentioned in sub-funds for your campus mismatch.

Mark as Synced

You probably have seen the button "Mark as synced" by now and are wondering where that is in your view. This is something that only giving agents can do. What do we use it for? Let's say you've already entered several unsynced transactions into your ChMs and you don't want to sync them over because that would create a lot of duplicate gifts. If you email us at or create a ticket at, we can get those marked as synced. However, we will not be able to undo the action once it is done so be sure you've entered them in your ChMs before requesting that.


My transactions are highlighted in yellow and red, should I be worried?

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Unless there is an error telling you a member, fund, or campus is unlinked then that just means that those transactions are waiting for a transfer id and then will sync over when your donations deposit in your bank account on your transfer day. In this case, there is one transaction that is not syncing due to the donor being unlinked. Simply link the donor and then that transaction will sync over on your transfer day. You can also run a force sync (hold down the shift key and click the "Force sync" button that appears in the red box) and those should sync over in about 45 minutes to an hour.

Why do certain profiles not sync over and other profiles do?

This is a common problem that has an easy fix. When you merge or edit a profile or fund on your Church Management System, this breaks the link between the Subsplash and ChMs profile or fund. The problem is that the ChMs does not send data back to Subsplash to tell our system that the link is no longer linked. This is why you will see white and grey highlighted transactions in your unsynced transactions.

If this is a donor, search the name of the donor by going to Integrations>click the ChMs banner (whether it be Rock, Breeze, PCO, or CCB), and click the Members box. In the search bar, type of the name of the donor into the box and view the results. Click the chain link on the donor profile banner and unlink the profile. Then click the profile you just unlinked and run a deep search. There are a few outcomes that can occur when running this deep search.

#1: A profile appears and it matches the name but has a different email. The donor has changed the info or someone with user permissions changed details on the profile.

#2: A profile does not appear but you have your ChMS open in another tab and you clearly see their profile. If the donor has another profile in Subsplash, then that is most likely linked to the profile in your ChMs. You can only link one profile in Subsplash to one profile in your ChMs. You can either unlink the profile in Subsplash and link the second profile, leaving the first unlinked. The other option is to link the second profile to your ChMs and then merge the profiles at the end of the year if you're doing statements from your ChMs.

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