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Rock Plugin Overview

With the Rock plugin, you can join features of Rock and Subsplash for a more integrated solution.

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over 2 weeks ago

We recommend that you install the Rock Shop Notifications plugin to be notified when new versions of the Subsplash Plugin are released.

Single Sign-on and Personalized Content

The plugin starts by connecting your Rock instance with Subsplash using the OIDC single sign-on pattern to create your users on both platforms. This enables you to customize content in Rock and deliver it in your branded app without a separate login. Your logged-in users will also be able to engage in other Subsplash features you have enabled. The plugin provides a UI to more easily connect your Rock content and Lava to feed them into your Subsplash app. Through custom content channels and web services, you're able to prepare more content for your app with less code to write and maintain.

Integrated Web Pages

With single sign-on enabled all Rock pages in your app will know who the user is that navigated to them. This allows you to do things like pre-filled forms, user-specific Dashboards and profile pages,

Native Block Page content

If you want to take personalize content and content from Rock further, block pages allow you to use native app components to build unique pages in the app

Push Notifications

The plugin enables a push notification transport so you can send to individuals or groups in Rock, as well as to push notification groups created in Subsplash. The history of these is recorded on both platforms so you can easily find what you have sent. Push notifications can be authored and targeted both at specific individuals as well as topics. This enables the ability to send communication to people who haven’t yet logged into the app!

Media Hosting

The plugin enables media account integration so your Subsplash media can be imported into Rock and used in content channels, Rock websites, and other Rock integrations. Analytics from this media will automatically be synced to Subsplash for aggregation with plays from other sources.

Groups & Messaging Sync

The plugin will allow you to enable a Subsplash Group messaging sync that seamlessly ties with your existing groups that are set up in Rock. This bi-directional sync allows a Small Group pastor to create a Subsplash Messaging Group directly from Rock and then the members of that group will be automatically synced between Rock and the Subsplash Platform.

Giving Integration

The Rock plugin also enables Financial Gateway functionality within Rock. All donation records will be automatically synced into Rock and associated with the proper accounts along with the pertinent donor details.

Event Registration Payments

Lastly, this plugin enables Event Registration payment through your Subsplash giving account. The payment form is seamlessly displayed in the registration flow and the payment, once collected, will display in the list of Financial Transactions immediately.

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