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Rock Plugin Push Notifications
Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over 10 months ago

At this point, your mobile app audience should be able to sign into their Rock account inside your app. If not, please revisit the setup of this documentation before moving on; this next step will not work without it. Additionally, to test individual push notifications, you should have at least one person signed into Rock through the mobile app.

Individual Notifications

To send an individual push notification, navigate to the Subsplash plugin within Rock in Admin Tools > Installed Plugins > Subsplash.

It should look like the following screenshot:

The “Individual(s)” tab will be automatically selected. You can select the individual(s) you would like to send a push notification to by clicking on the “Add Person” dropdown on the right-hand side.

Once you have your individual(s) selected, you can fill out the rest of the information as needed:

  • Title: This is the main body of your Push Notification. This text is displayed on the users’ lock screens, system notifications, and in the Inbox of the app.

  • Message: This is the additional text displayed within the app after the user taps on the Notification. If you know {{ Lava }}, then you can use the merge field (see below) to personalize your message.

  • Add Merge Field: This dropdown allows you to personalize your message with Lava. For example, if you would like to display a countdown of someone’s birthday, you can accomplish this by selecting the “Days to Birthday” merge field from the drop-down. Simply place the generated lava where you would like the information to appear in the body of your notification message.

  • Open Action: By default, when a user clicks on the notification, it will open the message directly within the app. If you would like the notification to open in a browser instead, simply select “Link to URL” and enter the URL.

  • Delay Send Until: As the name says, this simply delays the notification to be sent until the date entered. If you do not set a date, then the message will be sent as soon as possible once submitted.

Group Notifications

Like the individual push notification, you can send a notification to a group of people. The main difference here is that you can send a general notification to anyone who downloaded the app, whether they have logged into the app or not. You can also select from other group lists if you have them defined within the Subsplash dashboard.

To send a group push notification, navigate to the Subsplash plugin within Rock, and then select the “Notification Group” tab in Admin Tools > Installed Plugins > Subsplash:

By default, you should have a “General” group list available to you from the “Notification Group” dropdown. If selected, this will send a notification to anyone who downloaded your app.

Once you have your group selected, you can fill out the rest of the information as needed (just like the individual push notification):

  • Title: This is the main body of your Push Notification. This text is displayed on the users’ lock screens, system notifications, and in the Inbox of the app.

  • Message: This is the additional text displayed within the app after the user taps on the Notification. If you know {{ Lava }}, then you can use the merge field (see below) to personalize your message.

  • Add Merge Field: This dropdown allows you to personalize your message with Lava. For example, if you would like to display a countdown of someone’s birthday, you can accomplish this by selecting the “Days to Birthday” merge field from the drop-down. Simply place the generated lava where you would like the information to appear in the body of your notification message.

  • Open Action: By default, when a user clicks on the notification, it will open the message directly within the app. If you would like the notification to open in a browser instead, simply select “Link to URL” and enter the URL.

  • Delay Send Until: As the name says, this simply delays the notification to be sent until the date entered. If you do not set a date, then the message will be sent as soon as possible once submitted.

Communication History

Once notifications are sent, whether it is for an individual(s) or a group, you may want to see the statuses of your notifications. You will be able to see this in two separate places. The first one is within Rock, and the other is within the Subsplash dashboard under app notifications.

In Rock, you can find this communication history in People > Communication History.

Simply change the filters for “Communication Type” to “Push Notification” and click “Apply Filter”. After this, you should see a list of notifications and their statuses. Click on the message to see analytics along with the details of the notification:

On the Subsplash Dashboard, you can find this history by going to Apps > Push Notifications.

Then click on one of your notifications, and you will get a copy of what was sent from Rock.

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