Open an existing Batch
Start off by navigating to the Batches screen in your Giving Dashboard and select a batch that is open and that you want to add checks to.
Create a Gift
Once inside the batch, click the Create Gift button at the top of the page.
Turn on Check Scanning
When viewing the Create Gift menu, enable the "Check scanning" toggle at the top right side of the menu.
Scan a check
Insert the check into your scanner. Once the check is read by the system it will recognize the name on the check and assign it to that donor.
Currently, the MagTek MICRSafe HID Check Scanner (Keyboard model) is the only scanner supported when using Check Scanning.
If the donor who wrote the check doesn't have a profile yet, you will need to create a profile for them at that point. Once they have a profile, their name will be automatically populated when you scan their subsequent checks.
Then, just enter the amount, review that the details are correct, and press the "Create gift" button! You can then move on to scanning the next check.