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Tax Info FAQs

Tax information is needed for collecting tax-free donations

Logan Silver avatar
Written by Logan Silver
Updated over a year ago

Which Nonprofit Statuses are Subsplash Giving Compliant?

  • 501(c)(3)

  • 501(c)(11)

  • 501(c)(13)

  • 501(c)(16)

  • In Process for any of the above

  • State registered Nonprofit/Charitable Organization

What are some examples of acceptable forms of documentation?

  • A Federal IRS letter verifying federal nonprofit status

  • A state letter certifying your nonprofit status and that your earnings are not benefitting shareholders or individuals

  • A certified copy of your certificate of incorporation or similar document that clearly establishes your nonprofit status

Note! An EIN letter is not sufficient documentation because it doesn’t demonstrate your organization’s nonprofit status.

What if our tax exemption is “In Process”?

If your organization is in the process of acquiring tax-exempt status, feel free to communicate this to us by selecting “In Process.”

For app purposes: until an official tax-exempt document is received, we cannot allow the collecting of donations through the app.

For clients applying for Subsplash Giving: if you already have non-profit status as a church but are In Process for 501(c)3 status, you may still apply for Subsplash Giving. If you are a new non-profit and are not yet tax-exempt, please apply after receiving 501(c)3 approval.

What’s an EIN?

EIN stands for “Employer Identification Number.” It’s the same as a Federal Tax Identification Number, a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and could also be an individual’s Social Security number in the case of a for-profit sole proprietorship. It’s a unique 9-digit number assigned by the IRS. You can read more about EINs and how to locate yours on the IRS website.

What if my organization is part of a tax-exempt parent organization (a denomination, for example)?

We’ll need a document stating that your organization is covered by the parent organization’s exemption. This document should verify that your organization is officially recognized by your denomination or parent organization.

Additionally, we will need a document stating that the parent organization is tax-exempt.

How can I find out if my organization is eligible to apply for nonprofit status?

The IRS website is the best resource for this. Click here to read about exemption requirements and to apply for nonprofit status.

What if my organization isn’t tax-exempt?

If you’re not tax-exempt, don’t worry! Just select “No” on the form and then “Save.” Unfortunately, you won’t be able to collect donations in your app or use Subsplash Giving unless you become tax-exempt. All organizations need to submit the Tax Info Form regardless of tax exemption status.

What if my organization is not using Subsplash Giving?

If you’re not using Subsplash Giving but do plan to collect donations via the app, we will still need your tax information to show the app stores that your organization is eligible to collect tax-free donations.

What if my organization isn’t tax exempt but we want to collect donations or use Subsplash Giving?

Unfortunately, without an official tax-exempt status, you will not be able to collect donations through the app or use Subsplash Giving. You’ll need to apply for verification of your tax-exempt status with your State or the IRS. Once you’ve applied, please provide us with a copy of your application.

What’s required from international organizations?

If you are collecting donations through a third-party service and are part of an organization located outside of the United States, you will need to provide documentation provided by your government similar to what is required here in the States. This documentation will be used to verify your eligibility to collect donations.


You’ll need to provide your BN/Registration number instead of an EIN and proof of your organization’s status as a charity registered with the Canadian Revenue in the form of a document or URL.

United Kingdom

England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland all have different charity regulators. If your organization is a registered charity, we need the registration number and a document proving the charity's status.


Non-profit organizations in Australia must be registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. We’ll need an ID number and document proof that your organization is registered with the ACNC.


Non-profit organizations in Mexico must be a Donataria Autorizada or be registered with the Federal Registry of Non-Profit Organizations and have a CLUNI (Clave Unica de Inscripción). Please provide document proof and the CLUNI when you fill out the Tax Info Form.

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