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Using Planning Center and Campuses
Using Planning Center and Campuses

How to use Campuses with your Planning Center Integration on Subsplash Giving

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over a year ago

Planning Center (PC) does not recognize Campuses in Subsplash Giving (SSG). However, there is a way to set up your campuses and funds in SSG so that you can track campus data in either system.

Warning! Please review this entire guide before making campuses in SSG to avoid unsynced transactions issues.

Step 1: Setup funds in PC

Go to PC Giving and click on Manage. From there, name your fund with the following scheme: Campus Name: Fund Name. Every individual fund must be tied to a campus if you want to use this feature. It is also important to have consistent naming across all systems.

Here we have an example of a church that has multiple campuses and each campus has a “General” and “Legacy” fund.

You can see that the name of their campus is “CityHill Auburn” or “CityHill Federal Way” and the fund name is followed after the colon. For example, “CityHill Auburn: General” and “CityHill Federal Way: General.”

Step 2: Set up campuses in SSG

First, ensure that campuses are enabled. To learn how to enable campuses, you can do so by checking out our Campus walkthrough .

Go to the Campus section of the Giving Dashboard.

Your campus name in SSG needs to match the campus name that you created in the naming scheme of your PC fund.

In the example above, you can see that the name of the campus follows the scheme with “CityHill Auburn” and “City Hill Federal Way.”

Warning! Do not associate campuses with funds quite yet.

Step 3: Setup your funds in SSG

Go to the Funds section of the Giving Dashboard.

The name of the fund needs to match the name of the fund you created in PC. Again, the fund naming scheme needs to be Campus Name: Fund Name.

In the example above, you can see that the names of the funds in SSG mirror the names of the funds in PC.

Step 4: Associate funds to a campus in SSG

Next, you will assign only one campus to each of your funds. A fund cannot be associated with more than one campus as that will cause unsynced transaction issues.

Keep in mind that a particular campus can have multiple funds assigned to it in SSG, but the fund can’t be assigned to multiple campuses. Make sense? See below:

In the example above, you can see that the “CityHill Auburn: General” fund is associated with the single campus of “CityHill Auburn.”

As another example, you can see that the “CityHill Auburn: Legacy” fund is associated with the single campus of “CityHill Auburn.”

Step 5: Link funds in the ChMS section of the dashboard

Go to the ChMS section of the dashboard, click on Planning Center, and then Funds.

Click on the fund that you need to link up, and connect it to the PC fund with the matching name.

Go through the remainder of your funds and ensure that all are linked.

Now that your funds are linked, you can track campus data in either SSG or PC.

If you run a Gifts report, campus data will be attached to individual donations. Using Excel COUNTIF, you can sum the total donations given to each campus.

In PC, you can run reports for your “Campus Name: Fund Name” to sum up your total donations given to each fund.

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