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Service Plans and Runsheets

How to create new service plans and run sheets for your volunteer teams.

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over 8 months ago

Adding a Plan

From your Homepage, open the Services page from the sidebar menu to see an overview of all the Services you have created.

You can use the date picker at the top right to filter the Service on the list by date.

You can also use the drop-down menus at the top left to change the

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Service Type and the display. Select the Service you want to edit and click on Add Plan.

You will be able to select a plan from one of the available templates. Select the one you want to use then click done.

Editing the Plan

Edit the plan by dragging and dropping the different elements into your desired order. The icons at the bottom allow you to add an extra row, song, or section.

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To insert extra elements between the rows, click the ellipsis at the end of the row and open the menu to select what you would like to insert.

You can add rows, sections, or songs from here too, as well as Delete or Duplicate the row.

Once you have added a new row, click on the columns to add a name, duration, and other information you might need.

The columns indicate different participants or elements involved in the Service and allow you to add notes to indicate what someone should do or what should happen at each stage. You can add extra columns by clicking the tools icon at the top right.

Once you are finished, click Done. You will see the new plan added to the Service in the Multi Planner. Continue to add as many plans as you need.

To make further edits, just click the plan and it will open in a side window on the right and you can edit it directly while still viewing the Multi Planner. This allows you to edit other elements on the planner, such as the team members without closing the plan window.

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