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Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over 11 months ago

Creating a New Service

From your Homepage, open the Services page from the sidebar menu. Then, select "All Services".

To create your first Service, click New Service.

Flll in the Service Details, including name, description, start date/time and end date/time. You can leave the timezone blank and it will automatically default to the timezone in your profile.

Use the side menu to enter more detailed settings. For example, you can fill in the Location & Rooms area. You can also add ticketing information, messaging, etc.

Once you have saved your service, you will be able to see it in the Services List page.

Creating Service Types

We saw that when we created a new service, there were different types of services to choose from. You can even create your service types to fit your organization. To do this, click on the Services title at the top of the page and select Define Another Type of Service from the dropdown menu.

Give your Service type a name and description. You can also add extra fields via the Manage Fields tab.

Save your new Service type. You will now see it as an option on the list of Service types when you want to create a new Service.

Create Repeating Services

With Repeating Services you can create templates for Services to save time, configuration reminders, notifications, and much more. Open the Repeating Services page by selecting it from the Services menu on the sidebar.

Click Create New Repeating Service and give it a title and a subtitle. Then, go to Service Defaults to set the parameters for your template. Now, whenever it creates a new Service it will automatically include these parameters.

Next, navigate to the Auto Create tab if you want to set up the Repeating Service to create multiple Services. Set the number of Services that should be created, the frequency, end date, etc. You can also choose the Service type.

Now you will see it on the Repeating Service List! Click on it to see the list of Services that have been created from it.

Because we have set the number of future Services at 5, when the first Service has occurred, a new Service will automatically be created at the end, ensuring that there are always 5 Services on the list.

You can also edit the specific Services within the Repeating Service so they have their characteristics.

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