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Lists allow you to group different content, for your Mobile App, Podcasts, Website, and TV App.

Logan Silver avatar
Written by Logan Silver
Updated over 9 months ago

Warning! Lists can hold a maximum of 200 items. These items can include lists, as well, which will allow you to store and organize extended content beyond the limit of 200 in a nested system. If you find yourself running out of room, consider creating an 'Archive' list, or grouping items into similar categories.

What are Lists?

Lists behave like folders on your computer and are used to group your content together in different ways.

All of your content exists as “items” inside the Library, and each of these items can be added to a List. Within the Library you can create the following items:

  • Media Items

  • Events

  • Music

  • RSS

  • Links

  • Lists

You can use Lists to organize items into different sections. Simply add your Lists to a Build Your Own tab to publish them in your app.

You can also add the same item to multiple Lists if you want the item to show up in multiple sections of your app.

Note! A List can contain all types of items. Lists are best for storing a variety of items, whereas Media Series are better for storing groups of just Media Items.

Why use Lists?

Lists help you create different sections inside your Build Your Own tabs. They also make it easy to quickly edit the content for a specific platform, like your Web App.

Inside a List, you can:

  • Drag and drop items to reorder them

  • Add and remove items with just a few clicks

  • Change specific layout settings

Resource! To get started on your List layout options, check out What are the List Design options?

Fill up a List with the Media Items you’d like to show up on a specific channel, and then select that List when you set up your Podcast, Web App, or TV. Any updates to that List will only update the associated channel(s).

Creating New Lists

  1. Navigate to Library on your Subsplash Dashboard and click Lists

  2. Click Create List in the top right corner

  3. Give your List a name

  4. Click Add Item

  5. You can either add existing content or create new content

Lists and the Build Your Own tab

When you create a Build Your Own tab, the Dashboard prompts you to choose a List. This List is where content for your Build Your Own tab is stored inside the Library.

Once you’ve selected a List to use for the Build Your Own tab, editing any content inside that List will update the Build Your Own tab in the app.

You can customize a Build Your Own tab by only adding the items you want to appear in the app. To learn more about the Build Your Own tab, check out this article.

Tip! You can add a List within a List to create “nested” lists! Use this method to organize more than 200 items. For example, a list can contain up to 200 other lists, each with up to 200 items of their own.

Examples of how to use Lists

Another way to think about Lists is that they behave like playlists in iTunes or Spotify.

For example, a song lives in your iTunes library, just like how an item lives inside your Library in the Dashboard. However, similar to how you can add the same song to multiple playlists in iTunes, you can add the same item to multiple Lists in the Library.

Adding the same item to multiple Lists:

The same Media Item called “All Things Made New” can live inside two tabs by adding the item to two different Lists.

In the example below, the “Welcome” and “Sermons” tabs have been created as The Build Your Own tab, which displays content from a List. The Media Item “All Things Made New” has been added to both of the Lists for each of these tabs, so it shows up in both places:

Use the same List for all your channels:

Lists can be used to organize content for your Web App, Podcasts, and Apple TV app. You can use the exact same List to power all your channels, or you can select a different List to power each of your channels with different content.

For example, maybe you’d like your Podcast and Web App to both display only your content from 2017.

Start by adding all your Media Items from 2017 to a new List. Next, when you set up your Web App and Podcast, select the same List inside the Web App and Podcast settings pages to have them both display the same content.

Web App

  • From the Builder menu, Web App

  • Select Edit for your Media page and scroll to Content

  • Click on Content Source and choose the list you’d like to power the Web App

  • Click Apply, then Save


  • From the Builder menu, Podcasts

  • Select your podcast and scroll to Media Content

  • Click Select and choose the list you’d like to power the Podcast

  • Click Select again, then Save


  • From the Builder menu, TV

  • Select Content, then choose the list you’d like to power the TV App

  • Click Apply, then Save

The List powering the Sermons tab in the previous example can also power the Web App:

Tip! You can add a List within a List to create “nested” lists for your Web App! This is great for a multi-campus setup.

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