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General information and settings.

Subsplash AcademyYour place to grow in and receive the latest instruction on the Subsplash Platform.
Image Resource LibraryWe have compiled a great collection of image assets you can use for free!
QR CodesA QR code is a great way of sending your users to a URL, you can place a QR code on a website, email, or print on paper to distribute.
Update Billing InformationA Billing Manager can access the Subscription page for billing information, update payment methods, and will receive monthly receipts.
Subsplash & GDPR
Deleting an imageLooking to clean up your artwork library? You can do this quickly and easily by following these steps.
Onboarding GuideOur goal is to help you build a great app ASAP while providing the guidance and support you need along the way.
ListsLists allow you to group different content, for your Mobile App, Podcasts, Website, and TV App.
Promotional Videos SpotlightPromotional videos are a fun way to introduce your congregation to your app and to generate excitement.
Log in to the DashboardLog in to your Dashboard to upload Media, edit your app or website, set up Check-in, manage Gifts, get Support, and more.
Pro SupportGet the fastest response times from Subsplash Support when you need it most.
Submit a Feature RequestYou can now create and vote on improvement ideas, explore our planned features, and track what we've achieved so far!
Securing Online AccountsThis article will take you through some easy ways to secure your account and protect you from bad actors.
Two Factor AuthenticationAlso known as 2FA, adds an extra layer of security to your Subsplash Dashboard.
Checking Your SubscriptionClick here to learn how to view your current subscription details!
Your Subsplash TeamThis is an overview of the people & systems you’ll interact with as a user of the Subsplash Platform.