Tickets & Payment
Note: Subsplash Giving is required to set up payment on event registration.
With Event Ticketing, you're now able to collect payments for events, merchandise, small group curriculum and so much more. Follow the steps below to create new tickets to represent individual items available for purchase.
If you would like to add paid event registration, you can click on the "Tickets & payment" option, and then set the dollar amount(s) for the event. You are able to have up to 20 different ticket types per event. You can drag and drop the ticket types using the horizontal lines on the left to determine which one is the default (the default ticket type is always the one at the top). Payments for event registration tickets follow the same weekly deposit schedule to your linked bank account as charitable gifts. For more information on deposit schedule see the article Transfers & Deposits.
Partial Payments
You can now enable partial payments for events like conferences and student camps. This allows guests to make multiple payments instead of paying the full amount upfront.
When setting up a paid event, you have the option to configure partial payments for each ticket type. In the "Payment required to register" section of a ticket, select the option that says "A minimum of" and add the minimum partial payment allowed.
Managing Payments
Once partial payments are enabled, you can track and manage payments effectively with the following options:
View Guest List:
Access the table layout showing registered guests.
Quickly identify who has paid in full and who has an outstanding balance.
Track Payment Status:
Check the total amount collected and the count of parties with unpaid balances in the top right corner.
Click on individual guest rows to see detailed payment information.
Update Payment Records:
View a timeline of payments made towards a balance.
Mark a party as paid and zero out the remaining balance if needed.
Sending Reminders
To remind guests with outstanding balances, you can send them a reminder email.
Click to send a reminder email to guests with unpaid balances.
The email will include a link for guests to make a follow-up payment.
Guests can use the link to pay the remaining balance in full or make additional payments.
Note: Reminder emails are sent to any registrants who have opted into email updates, as well the primary contact. Emails will always go to the primary contact, even if other guests have opted out of email updates.
Discount Codes
Discount Codes can be used to apply discounts to event tickets for early bird registrations, volunteer/staff pricing, scholarships, and more.
With discount codes, you can:
Offer discounts on paid event tickets
Create up to 20 discount codes per event with independent start & end times
Choose between percentage (%) or flat rate ($) discounts