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Uploading Media

Uploading media to Subsplash is made simple and easy. Follow these steps to get your media into your app and website.

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over a week ago


There are a few paths to upload media in your Dashboard, which one you should use will be determined by your desired workflow.

Media Library

The Media library in your Dashboard lets you upload up to ten files at a time. Simply drag and drop your files one at a time to start the process, each file will create a Media Item that you can click into to see the progress of the upload.

From here, you can click and drag up to 10 items at a time for upload.

As your items complete the upload process, room will open up for you to upload more items, up to 10 items. While your content is in the process of uploading, you can move around the media section of the dashboard, creating series or adding in media item metadata (speaker, date, etc) with no effect on your uploading content!

If you need to do more than 10 items at a time, check out our Bulk Import tool.

Additionally, if you have quite a bit of content, you can update all the metadata for your media items quickly and easily — learn more about that process here. Additionally, you can quickly add artwork to your newly created media items and series! To get started on that, check out our article here.

Media Item already exists

From your library, you can also create Media Items and Media Series so there may be a scenario where your Media Item is already created and you just need to upload the content to it, that way a new media item is not created resulting in a duplicate. To do so, click into your desired Media Item and you will see a video and audio field, from here you have a few options:

  1. Drag and drop your desired video

  2. Click into the video box to open Finder/File Explorer and select the video file you wish to upload

  3. Browse recent to select a recent file that was already uploaded to the dashboard or archived from a Subsplash Live stream

  4. Enter a URL to use a direct link from a third-party provider such as Vimeo

Once the video is selected, uploaded, or entered, it will begin to process and the audio will automatically be generated so you do not need to repeat the steps for the audio field unless you want separate audio from the video.

Mobile App Builder

Uploading media through the builder is helpful if you have a very particular organization system for your app — this way you can add your new content exactly where it needs to be at the beginning of your process. You can add media items or media series to lists in just a few clicks.

  1. Add item

  2. Select "Media Item"

  3. Select "Create"

  4. Add the title

  5. Save and add to the list

  6. Click into that new Media Item

  7. Follow the steps above from "Media Item already exists"


Media uploading happens in two phases: uploading and processing. While your video is uploading, you’ll need to stay on the media page.

Once your video has finished uploading and is processing, you can navigate to other pages, log out, or shut down your computer. Your media will continue processing and will be there when you come back!

If you run into any problems uploading or processing your Media, take a look at Why am I getting media upload errors?

Auto-generated audio

Every time you upload a video, an audio version is auto-generated for you. You can replace the auto-generated audio with a different audio file if you record your audio separately.


Once you’ve uploaded an audio or video file, click on the media item. From there you can upload a PDF.

You cannot upload a PDF directly to the media page.

Saving and publishing your items

When you make changes to your content, make sure you hit the Save button so you don’t lose your changes. You can also choose how to publish each item:

  • Publish after media processes: Allows you to automatically have your media item published once the audio or video has finished uploading and processing.

  • Publish now: Will let you publish right now.

  • Schedule: Allows you to choose when to publish this item, whether or not the media has completed the upload process.

Moving or deleting multiple media items

From the media page, you can move or delete multiple media items at once. Watch this short video to see how.

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