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Understanding Giving Analytics
Understanding Giving Analytics
Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over 11 months ago
  • Data is refreshed daily at 6:00am UTC (1:00a EST, 12:00a CST, 11:00pm MST, and 10:00pm PST)

  • Totals do not include fees. See Savings & rates tab for fee data

  • Totals do not include Payments

  • Totals include refunds, meaning if a gift is refunded it is removed from the total gift amount.

  • Gifts include all types, including cash donations logged via Donation Entry

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All visualizations and data displayed can be controlled by the date picker, the and Campus filter if you have one. Select your settings and the data will refresh across all charts.

Download PDF to capture the entire visualization.

Giving method

This is the percentage of cards vs. ACH gifts. Hover over the different slices to see gift totals. Check and cash totals will display as well.

Total gifts

These sum up the total of all your gifts that are within the timeframe you set. This total does not include fees or GrowCurve rebates, but does include refunds. Gifts include all types, including cash donations logged via Batches.

Unique donors

This number is the count of individual donors who have donated at least once in your time frame. For example, if your donor donated 5 times in a time frame, we could that as one unique donor.

Median gift amount

This is the median gift amount for your selected timeframe. Think of it as “the middle” value that is not skewed by a small proportion of extremely large or small donations.

Average gift amount

This is the average gift amount for your selected timeframe. This is all the gifts divided by number of gifts.

Giving by funds

This displays your funds and sub-funds for the timeframe that you selected. Hover over the different slices to see gift totals. You can also click on “Maximize Visualization” to expand the graph to more easily see your fund totals.

Fund breakdown

This displays the sum of gifts broken down by fund within the timeframe. You can hover your mouse to see the totals, or hover your mouse in the upper right corner to find the export button: ⠇to download as CSV, Excel, or PNG.

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Recurring gifts

All visualizations and data displayed can be controlled by the date picker.

Gift frequency

This is the percentage of gifts that are one-time verses recurring for your selected time frame. The more recurring gifts, the better! Hover your mouse over the chart and you will see the total dollar amount in recurring gifts.

Total recurring gift amount

The sum of processed recurring gifts within the timeframe that you set.

Average recurring amount

This is the average recurring gift amount for your selected timeframe. This is equal to all the gifts divided by number of gifts.

Unique recurring gifts

This number is the count of individual recurring transactions that has processed in your timeframe.

Recurring donors

This is the number of donors who processed at least one recurring gift within the set timeframe.

Successful recurring transactions

This table lists the recurring transactions that were processed during the timeframe. The first column is a hyperlink to the transaction if you’d like to view more details. Feel free to click on the column headers to adjust the sorting.

Hover your mouse over the table and use the ↔ or ⠇to download as CSV or Excel.


Upcoming recurring gifts

This report mirrors the Recurring section of the dashboard and you can export it! It displays the individual recurring instances. By default you will see all Active recurring gifts that your donors set up. Click on the Recurring details hyperlink to see the recurring gift’s history. You can use the Gift status filter to display discontinued gifts to see who has discontinued. Sort the columns by date to see most recent or vice versa.

Expected next month

This total takes all of the scheduled recurring gifts that are set to run next month and sums it up for you.


This report allows you to view a quick snapshot of your donors, how many are new, and produce a handful of reports.

Adjust your date range, set a campus if you have one, or select a particular Fund / Sub-fund to adjust the displayed data.

Unique donors

This number is the count of individual donors who have donated at least once in your time frame. For example, if your donor donated 5 times in a time frame, we could that as one unique donor.

New donors

This is the number of donors who have gifted for the first time within the set timeframe.

New recurring donors

Of the donors who have gifted for the first time within the set timeframe, this is how many setup a recurring gift.

Donor type

By default we set it to only display New donors. These are the donors who have gifted for the first time within the set timeframe. Click on the Donor details hyperlink to be taken to their Donor profile page. Change the donor type to “All donors” to see a full list of who gifted within the set timeframe.

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