Accepted payment methods vary by organization. If you have questions about what is accepted by a particular organization, it's best to contact that organization directly.
Most organizations using Subsplash Giving accept the following:
American Express
Discover (US only)
JCB (US only)
CUP cards
Debit Cards (as long as the card is connected to the Visa or Mastercard networks)
Interac cards (as long as the card is connected to the Visa or Mastercard networks)
Direct bank transfers/ACH (US only)
Add or Update Payment Method
Navigate to your Organization's Giving Link, Website, or App
If unsure please reach out to your organization.
2. In the upper right corner, select Log in or Sign up to access your account or if you are already logged in then Select the Profile Icon or Profile picture in the upper right corner and click Account.
3. Select Payment Methods
4. Choose an existing payment method to edit
5. Edit your payment method and select Update or delete your payment method if needed.