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Subsplash People is a simple solution to help see all of the people who have been engaging with your organization.

Logan Silver avatar
Written by Logan Silver
Updated over 8 months ago

People can be found in your Dashboard under the navigation menu. This is a list of all the People that have created a profile in your organization. From here you can:

  • Change your view with a list or grid display with various sort options.

  • Archive a person to keep your Dashboard cleaned up. When you archive a person, they can no longer be added to a Group

  • Create a new person. If you know the First Name, Last Name, and Email of a person it then acts as a placeholder. Email is required when adding someone. If the person logs in with the same email address, then the person's authorization method (email, Google, Apple) will be linked to the profile.

Go ahead and click into a person and you can see all the details they have chosen to enter about themselves in their profile so far. As an admin in the Dashboard, you will be able to update these but also view more details.

Basic Info

Displays the current information that a person or Dashboard admin has input into a profile. Outside of email and name, this information is not required but helps to paint the picture of the person.

Membership Status

Set or update a person's membership status to reflect if they are a Member, Regular Attender, Newcomer, Visitor, or Unknown.

Name & Email

This is the minimum requirement for having a profile and the key identifiers for a Person in Subsplash. A person supplies their name and email when creating their profile for the first time in your organization.

Dashboard admins cannot change email as it is the unique identifier for a person, only the person can change their email via the App or Web profile after logging in.

If the person has been created but never logged in, then the email can be changed.

Phone Number

Save a person's number for use features like SMS texting or Check-in.

Date of Birth

Track a person's birthday to determine age, grade, or role in a household (Adult/Child).


Store a person's address.

This is a personal address and will not automatically set or update a Household address if the person is a part of one.


Note whether Male, Female, or unknown.

Martial Status

List either Single, Married, Widowed, Separated, Divorced, or Unknown.


Set the grade of this person for use with Check-In. See more in our Grade Promotion article.

Baptism Date

Keep the special day that someone got baptized.


If the person is part of a Group, Household, or has donated to your organization via Subsplash Giving, you will see these blocks in their profile on the Dashboard.


How did the profiles get there?

Existing People profiles that have been created via the mobile app, Giving, or Messaging by the person. For example, profiles are created in multiple ways (the person gave a donation, the person created a messaging account, the person created an account via the mobile app, the person registered for an event, an admin manually created the person).

Event registration, when a person registers for an event it will check to see if a profile exists, if not, one will be created.

When a new person is created manually, does it trigger an invite email?

No, not in this iteration. When a client creates a profile, it acts as more of a placeholder. Email is required when adding someone. If the person logs in with the same email address, then the end person's authorization method (email, Google, Apple) will be linked to the profile.

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