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Recording Your Fees

How to record your fees at the end of the month

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over a year ago

Subsplash Giving subtracts the fee from the individual transactions. Some donor management softwares or accounting practices prefer to track online giving fees as a monthly sum rather than per transaction.

Here are some helpful tips to record your fees at the end of the month.

Calculate fees on a weekly basis

You can find a total of fees in the Past Transfer detail report. Go to Transfers > Past Transfers > choose most recent transfer. When we deposit funds into your account, we will provide the total of fees according to that transfer.

We recommend entering your fees into your accounting system weekly rather than monthly. Remember that some donors may request refunds for their donations weeks later after gifting.

Calculate your fees on a monthly basis, rather than weekly

However, if you'd prefer to enter in the fees monthly you can do so by exporting a report in the Transactions section.

  1. Go to the Transactions section and Export

  2. Set your dates for the month and Export

  3. Sum the fee_amount column

If the transaction_id, transfer_id, and transfer_date cells are blank, that means that the transaction has not yet been deposited in your account but will soon. Depending on your booking process, some prefer to not count these in their monthly sum until transfer has been deposited in their account. Thats why the Past Transfers report can be more helpful for some.

If you use Quickbooks, this video provides a quick overview on how to enter the fees in Quickbooks Online. It uses PayPal as an example, but their process is the same.

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