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List Design Options

With app lists there are a number of different design options to customize your lists.

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over a year ago

There are several layout options you can use for your lists, allowing you to make a custom setup for your app! To get started, head to a list you want to customize.

Changing your List Design


When you enter a list, you'll find your list options under Design in the lower right. Here, you can specify the layouts for your lists based on how it will be accessed - on your Mobile App, Web Player, or TV.


Once selected, you'll see a side panel open on the right, with three main sections:

  1. A preview of your list: this will update as you make your selections, letting you know how your list will end up looking.

  2. Header options: you can choose to have a static banner, a carousel of up to 5 selectable items, or no header at all.

  3. Item layout options: you can choose between displaying your list in rows, a grid, or stacked. Each layout option includes additional settings to further customize the look of your app.

Overview of options


Header will display at the top of this specific list, not persistent across all lists.

  • Off - no banner image is displayed

  • Static - Will display a single Banner image of your choice, options are those in your Banner artwork library

  • Carousel - Will display a scrolling carousel that can consist of up to 5 items of your choice, see more in How do I feature an item in my app?

Item Layout

  • Rows - Will display your items one over top of another in the order they show within the list, great for content that is not artwork heavy.

  • Grid - Will display items in small grids using the Grid or Wide images

  • Stacked - Most popular option and will display items again on one top of another but using the Wide or Banner artwork associated with that item.

Item Titles

  • Below - This will display the title of the item below the artwork (if applicable)

  • Overlay - This will display the title of the item over the artwork (if applicable)

  • None - Will not display the title of the item at all, best if you want to include the title with your own font in the artwork itself.

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