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Integrations & Plugins
Breeze Giving Integration
(Legacy) Rock RMS Giving Integration
Duplicate Donor Accounts with a ChMS IntegrationHow to manage duplicate donor accounts with your ChMS integration.
Planning Center IntegrationSetting up and configuring your Planning Center Integration with Subsplash Giving
Using Planning Center and CampusesHow to use Campuses with your Planning Center Integration on Subsplash Giving
Unsynced TransactionsLearn why you have unsynced transactions and how to solve them.
Zapier IntegrationAutomate and sync with third parties using Zapier.
Rock Plugin
We are thrilled to work with you and your church to help integrate your Rock platform with Subsplash.
Rock Plugin OverviewWith the Rock plugin, you can join features of Rock and Subsplash for a more integrated solution.
Rock Plugin SetupConfigure OIDC to allow Subsplash to communicate with Rock.
Rock Plugin Single Sign On (SSO)Give users your Rock login across all tools.
Rock Plugin Push Notifications
Rock Plugin Media
Rock Plugin Giving & DonationsAutomatically sync donation records into Rock associated with the proper accounts along with the pertinent donor details.
Rock Plugin GroupsSync groups and membership for your users.
Rock Plugin FAQ & Troubleshooting